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"Josephine?" My dad calls throughout the house.

I get up from my bed and walk down the hall. I see Jake pushing him in seconds later, they were both holding brown bags filled to the top with groceries. I glance at a tired looking Jake and smirk. At least I wasn't the one that was woken up early to go grocery shopping.

That's why I'm the favorite.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I was just checking to see if you were awake," He says, "Jacob can you get the last bag?"

"Yep." He walks back out of the house to go grab it. I take the brown bag from my dad's hands and set it on the counter.

"How was the store?" I ask, starting to help him unpack.

"Busy, as it always is on a Saturday morning," He tells me. I nod slowly, putting some of the refrigerated items away first. "I think you should hang out with Bella today."

I push my lips out. I wasn't the type to tell my dad no, nor was I the type to not follow what he says. But if I were, to tell the truth, I'd say I don't want to hang out with Bella Swan. It's nothing against her, really. It's just, I would rather not drive up to Forks and hang out with a girl I barely know.

"Really?" I ask, not knowing what to say.

"Yes, Charlie said she's really struggling right now. I think you should hang out with her, and be nice."

I guess Bella has been having a rough time since she disappeared the other night. With the Cullen's out of town, she's been, out of it. That's according to Charlie at least. I guess I can hang out with her if I could help her in anyway.

"I'm always nice," I tell him, crossing my arms in defense.

"You have your mother's attitude though."

I give him a look, and he smiles, "I'll call her and see what she's up to."

He nods, not saying another word as he unpacks the groceries. I hold my phone up to my ear as I help him put some of the boxes of pasta and canned food into the cabinets. The phone rings for a while, and I didn't think she was going to pick up. But eventually, I heard the line start.

"...Hello?" Her voice was groggy, and it sounded, stuffy.

"Bella? It's Josie, Josie Black," I say hesitantly.

"Oh...hey what's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to do something," I suggest. "It's Saturday, and, I was bored. I also wanted to catch up."

"Did, your dad, put you up to this?" She asks.

"No," I lie. "Not at all."

"Um," She stops her words like she was thinking. "Y-Yeah, we could, we could hang out."

"Cool," I say, trying to ignore the fact that it sounded like she definitely did not want to. "You want to drop by? Maybe we could go to the beach or something."

"Yeah that sounds nice," She says.

"Okay, well, I'll see you in like forty five?" I ask.

"Yeah, that works."

"Perfect. Bye Bella." I hang up the phone and look at my dad. He chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Don't give me that look, Josephine," He says with a laugh. "It'll be nice to see Bella. She needs friends right now."

"I know," I say. "She didn't sound very excited to hear from me."

"Charlie says she's in some kind of funk," He says. "I don't think she's excited about most things these days. But I think it'll be good for her to get out of the house."

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