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Holy. Shit balls.

What on Earth did I just hear?

I feel like I invaded their privacy. Like I personally pulled Paul's journal out of its hidden place and read a whole bunch of pages.

My eyes slowly rise to my teacher, then to the rest of the class, who had obviously also heard the entire conversation. Several people had turned to face me after turning away.

"Josie, can I speak to you please?" Mrs. Rollana says quietly.

What? Why the hell am I getting in trouble for this?

I follow her out of the room and she closes the door behind us. Which she probably should have done, to begin with.

"Do you want to explain to me what that was?" She asks, folding her arms over one another. She was giving me a strong stern look as if I was the one in the screaming match outside.

"I...I don't know," I say truthfully, "I was trying to prepare myself to take this test."

Her eyes run down my face as if she's trying to tell if I'm lying or not. Which I wasn't.

"Well, I assume you can't focus after hearing that," She says, looking around the hall. "I can let you retake the test if you prefer that."

Oh my god thank you, ancestors.

"Yeah, I-I would really appreciate that," I say quickly. "Thank you, Mrs. Rollana."

She gives me a nod, "Go on down to the Spanish student center and I'll have a different test ready for you Monday."

"Thank you," I tell her again.

Slowly nodding, I move in the direction of the student center. I didn't exactly need to stay, and if I wanted to I probably could leave. But that was if I could figure out a ride. Even though we're meant to share the car, Jake steals the keys during the day. I could certainly drive myself without a second thought since the distance from the office to home was minimal. But him taking the keys is the only issue.

I can't believe Mrs. Rollana actually gave me an extension. My luck always runs short, so for something to finally go in favor of my way is huge. Especially for school. I really do want to do well since I care so much about it.

The period is finally over, which signals that the day is too. I collect my things from my locker when I get there, and then walk out into the cold air.

When I arrived, Jake was already outside beside the car. We both get into the car and leave our tiny high school. We didn't talk much during the brief and mostly silent ride.

When we return to our home, I enter right away. The rain had returned, and cold and damp don't mix well. The only thing I could hear were the loud rain drops. I leave my bag at the front door and stroll back into our quiet house. I guess my dad wasn't home yet.

I hear the phone go off, and I don't bother to go after it. But seconds later Jake does. I walk into my room at the back of the house and sit down on my bed.

What an exhausting week.

I wish I could forget about the entire thing.

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