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School began to get challenging as soon as October came into full swing.

I began to doubt myself in the classes I had been enrolled in. I'm not sure why my guidance counselor recommended that I enroll in honors English and advanced math. I wasn't exactly acing them. Although it wasn't terrible, it could have been a lot better.

I'm really only average in school. When I put in the effort, I score well, but lately, I've been lacking motivation. I've always wished I was one of the kids that skim their notes or don't need to study at all. But I'm not, sadly. Normally, I have to start studying days, if not weeks, in advance.

That reminds me I have to start studying for a test on Thursday. It was Monday.

I step outside to a brisk wind. To try to keep some heat in, I cross my arms across my chest. But it didn't appear to be working. I probably should have worn something warmer. But I decided to wear one of Jake's old sweatshirts that he didn't care too much about anymore. It was oversized and perfect for a fall day.

"Hey," Someone suddenly says, which causes me to jump. The random thoughts dissipating from my head.

"You scared the hell out of me Em," I tell him, lifting a headphone out of my ear. He chuckles, and we both halt in our steps. "You see Jake at all?"

"Nah," He says, "You?"

"Nope," I say while pushing out my lips. "It's freezing out here, I don't want to wait by the car for long."

"I could give you a ride," Embry offers kindly. "I'm sure Eden wants to see you."

"Yeah," I say. "Do you think you guys will want to stay for dinner?"

"Maybe. I'm not sure," He says. "My mom probably wants us home."

I nod, "That's fine. It's my turn to help my dad cook tonight. So I figured I'd ask."

He nods and we both start to look around. Jake was my ride home, and if he didn't come out here in two minutes I was going to take Embry's offer of a ride. It's freezing and I don't think that I'll last too long.

"Hey guys," A voice says. We both look over our shoulders to see Eden was walking over. Her hands were in the pocket of her warm jacket, her dark hair flowing in the wind behind her. "You riding with us today Josie?"

"Maybe," I tell her. "I'm waiting for Jake. Did you see him inside?"

"I think he was talking to some people," She says, "But I'm sure he'll be out soon."

My ears are filled with a whistle. When I raise my head, I can't help but notice the dickhead who made the noise. He was talking with Jared while leaning against a wall, but Paige McCall was in his line of sight. Like him, she was a senior. And he clearly just whistled to get her attention.

They had a notorious reputation for occasionally hooking up. And even without being officially together, everyone was still aware that they had some type of claim over one another.

It was weird. I guess that's what popularity does for you. Everyone knows your business.

"Bye Paul," Paige says, shaking her head as she walks away. The three of us standing here seem to be completely invisible to her. She seems to be on cloud nine from the attention she was getting from him. Her cheeks were either red from the wind or she was blushing, but she had a huge smile on her face.

"God she's so hot."

"Like she'd ever notice you," Eden tells her brother.

My eyes flash back to Paul, to see he was staring at me now. And to be honest with you, he has been ever since we had that weird moment in the parking lot a couple of weeks ago. It's almost like he's suddenly realized that I existed. Which makes me realize even more that we are on total ends of the popularity spectrum. But he hasn't said a word to me. He always manages to meet my eyes across the room or the hallway, but he never says a word. And it's been that way for two weeks.

"What's his problem?" Embry asks suddenly.

I blink away, praying to God that I had only been staring for a couple of seconds. I run a hand through my hair as I look up at him.

"I don't know."

"Well he better fuck off," Embry says, "I don't like him looking at you like that."

"Like what?" I ask, my eyes meeting his dark ones. "It's just a harmless stare, I guess."

"You guess?" Embry says, "It makes you uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable is a strong word. I just don't get why he stares," I tell him, "He's never noticed me before the interaction we had a couple of weeks ago. You know?"

"I guess."

"Let it go, Embry," Eden tells him. "Paul can't seem to get his head out of Paige's ass anyway. It's not like anything would happen. No offense, J."

"None taken," I tell her.

"Yo," A voice says, it was my brother. He had finally managed to leave the school. "You coming over later or what?"

"Yeah, but we're not coming for dinner," Embry says. "Mom's making her special casserole she just told me." He closed his phone and slips it back into his pocket.

"That's fine. Bring the new Call of Duty game your mom got you," Jake tells him. "I have yet to play it."

"Joy," Eden looks over at me. I give her the same unenthusiastic reaction back.

"What the hell took you so long?" I ask Jake. "It's freezing out here."

"I was talking to people," He says. "Important person over here." We all roll our eyes.

"Yeah whatever hot shot," Embry says. "Ready to go? My nuts are going to fall off if I get any colder."

"Yeah if only you had any to start," Jake says with an eye roll. We all turn around and I almost smack into someone. A very warm hand touches my arm in the process. I blink quickly, backing away from the person's arm.

I have to bend my neck to look up at him. He had a very small smirk on his face, and if I wasn't paying attention I wouldn't have noticed it. He removes his hand from my upper arm. And all the heat vanishes.

"Sorry," He says lowly to me. "Josie, right?"

"Yeah," I say shortly.

"Josie Black," Jake steps in, almost as if my last name was a warning to Paul. "Let's go."

He grabs onto my arm and pulls me around Paul. I rip it out of his grasp as we cross the street.

"You don't need to pull me," I snap. "I'm able to walk by myself."

"I don't want you spending any time with him," He says as we get to the truck in the first row. "He's not a good person."

"No shit," I say as I let Embry and Eden climb into the back seat. I push the chair back harshly. "I'm not interested. But even if I was you're not Dad. You can tell me what I can and can't do."

"You're right. But Dad would tell you the same thing," He makes clear and steps into the truck. I hear the same whistle from earlier and I turn around. Paul has the same smirk from earlier, only he whistled at me this time.

No one tell Paige.


gif above is paige, she's played by sophia cookson

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