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"For real though, how old do we think the Cullen leeches are?"

We were all at Sam and Emily's. Gathered around the living room, talking about nonsense as we enjoyed each other's company.

Paul and I were sitting on the brown leather couch. Along with Embry, who was just getting teased about running away from the fact that he imprinted on Jaeda.

"Gotta be well over a hundred."

A hundred years old?

Talk about an age gap, my god.

"You think?" Kim asks, a chuckle leaving her lips.

"Has to be," Embry says, "They were around when Ephraim was chief. They're the ones that made the pack together."

"And that was when?" I spoke up, glancing at Sam.

"30's, maybe?" He guesses, "I'm not exactly sure honestly."

"That's crazy," I sit back into my seat, Paul's arm touching my shoulders. "So they've literally seen generations of us."

"That is kind of crazy to think about," Paul agrees, "They've met our ancestors, watched our parents grow up and now us."

"That's kind of sad though," I tell them, "You have to watch all of your loved ones pass on. Leaving you by yourself for a while."

"It is, it's definitely not their choice to be a leech," Jared says, "It's not a choice to be a shapeshifter either. But at least we're still alive."

"Yeah I'd definitely pick shapeshifter out of the two," Paul agrees, "I couldn't imagine being a cold, pale, fucker like Cullen."

"Can we not talk about them anymore?" Jake pipes in. "I'd rather not get angry at the moment."

"Why? You're never going to see them again, what's the big deal?" I ask.

"It upsets Bella," He explains.

I hold in an eye roll — Bella this, Bella that. Can't he see that she's using him? If Edward were to ever come back, she'd jump ship in a heartbeat.

"But Bella's not here," Embry counters, not entirely sure why Jake was so sensitive about the topic.

"You do realize that if the Cullen's ever come back, Bella will do anything she can to sprint back to Edward, right?" I say with caution.

"Jos," Paul says from next to me. "I don't know if that's—"

"—Edward's not coming back Josie," Jacob snaps quickly.

"Watch your tone with her," Paul warns him.

Jacob gave him a look, "But even if he did, I'm certain she'd pick me. We almost kissed the other night. We'll get there, I need just a little longer."

No one said anything in response. I think we all know deep down that Jake has it bad for Bella. But the Cullen's could come back, even just to check in. And who knows, Bella could somehow convince Edward to stay.

Leaving Jake heartbroken.

"Just be careful, is all I'm saying," I break the silence.

"I think I can handle it, Josie."

I roll my eyes, he gets annoyed when I tell him to be careful but here he is telling me to when it comes to Paul.

Makes so much sense.

"You told her the same thing once too," Paul reminds him. "She's just looking out for you man."

Jake doesn't say anything in response, knowing deep down that Paul was right. He can't hold onto those double standards forever.

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