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"There's a bonfire tonight," Were the first words out of Jaeda's mouth when she got to our table during lunch. "We should go."

"What kind of bonfire?" I ask, watching her sit down on the seat next to me.

"The one that they have every year," Jaeda explains, pulling her lunch out of her bag. "That all the popular kids go too."

"Don't you have to be invited to that?" Eden asks from the other side of me.

It's true. Our school was so cliquey that you needed to be invited to certain things. They didn't want just anyone here.

It's so fucking annoying.

"We did get invited," Jaeda tells us with a big smile.

"All of us?"

"Well Matt invited me," Jaeda says, "But I'm obviously not going without my girls."

"I feel like we're going to get stared at if we don't get personally invited by someone," Eden chuckles, "Maybe it's not a good idea if we go."

"Who cares!" Jaeda says and waves her off. "It's high school, no one's going to give a fuck in a couple of years."

"Right but what about now? We can't think that far ahead if our lives are miserable right now," Eden explains to her.

I mean she has a point. If people like Paige made our lives miserable every day for the rest of the year I definitely would hate coming to school.

"Hey guys," A voice says. We halt our conversation and glance at where the voices came from.

It was Paul and Jared. They both had trays in their hands, with food piled high on top of it.

Paul and I make eye contact and his smile grows. He was wearing a long sleeve brown shirt, along with jeans. He somehow made the simple outfit look good.

No. We're friends.

"Mind if we sit?" He asks, his eyes stay on me.

"Yeah sit," Jaeda says, glancing over at me. "We were just talking about the bonfire tonight."

"Oh yeah," Paul says, sitting down across from me. "I completely forgot that was tonight."

"Matt just invited us," Jaeda says.

"Matt Henderson?" Jared asks, a smirk on his face. He obviously had some preexisting thought in his head about Matt.


"He's a dick," Jared says, a scoff leaving his lips. "Careful with him."

"What's so bad about him?" I speak up.

"He leads girls on," Jared says, "Makes them feel like they have a chance when he really just wants to get in their pants."

Sounds familiar.

"Sounds like every other guy," Eden says, a chuckle leaving my lips. I was just thinking the same thing.

Both of the boys exchange glances, as if they were shocked to hear this. Paul's eyes meet mine from across the table. I wonder what was going on inside his brain.

"Not me," Jared defends, "I have a girlfriend."

"So you guys are officially dating?" Jaeda asks. Everyone looks at her. "What? Okay, yeah, I'm nosy. Sorry."

Jared chuckles, "Yeah we're dating as of like two weeks ago."

"I'm happy for you," Jaeda says genuinely. A small laugh leaves my lips at her prying.

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