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Today was a big day.

Since Paul and I are dating, I brought up the point last night to him that we have to tell my dad. And the only way he'll be okay with this, us, is if tonight goes well.

So, we plan to do that today.

It's a lot of pressure on tonight. I for one, was very nervous. I wonder how Paul is doing. I'd be freaking out if I were him. Only because I'm not exactly sure if this is going to blow up in our face, or actually go well. I guess we'll see.

"What's the occasion?" A voice asks from behind me.

I jump a bit, clearly deep in my thoughts about Paul coming over.

I plan to not tell them about Paul until the last minute. My dad wouldn't freak out, but Jake definitely would. Although I wonder if Jakes even feeling up for dinner. It's been a week now and he's been laying in bed, unable to move.

"Well," I say, "I was thinking that we need to talk about—"

The phone rings, and I let out a quick breath. Talk about saved by the bell.

My dad answers the phone, and I see his face fall. He looks up at me, and I was scared for a second it was Paul. But he would never call my house phone. He'd call me first.

"I'm sorry Bella, Jake's still sick," My dad says. Of course it's Bella, I should've known. "The doctors are not sure when he's going to get better."

I felt bad. It's been a bad couple of months for her. First Edward leaving, and now someone she was used to seeing everyday hasn't called her back in a week. It must be pretty lonely.

I turn back toward the stove, and stir the sauce that had been sitting for a bit. It was on a low setting, so it's not like it was going to burn. But I needed something to fidget with because I need to calm myself down.

"Poor girl," My dad says once he hangs up the phone, "She calls almost every day."

"Is Jake really still sick?" I ask, "It's been a week. Wouldn't he start to want to hangout with her again? Or at least call her back?"

"He is getting better," My dad clarifies, "Jake needs to explain some things to her, and he should do that when he's ready."

I wonder what things he needs to say to her.

"Right," I say, turning off the boiling water. The pasta was done, and the sauce was too. All I had left to do was throw some garlic bread into the oven and dinner was done.

"Where were we?" My dad asks, appearing by my side again. Oh yeah. "What's the occasion for this wonderful dinner tonight?"

"Well," I search my mind for something to say. "Remember when we had the conversation about—"

"—Smells good in here," A voice says, following with heavy footsteps from down the hallway. "Hey sis."

I stare at Jake, who waltzes in like he was healthy as a horse. He dips his finger into the sauce, tasting it. My eyes naturally trailed up his arm, and instantly I noticed how different he looked.

What the fuck? He looks completely different.

"What the hell happened to you?" I ask blankly. "You were just, in bed for the past week. I thought you were sick? Like on your death bed sick?"

I'm so confused right now.

"Yeah, I'm still trying to figure it out myself," Jake explains, "I'm starving, let's eat yeah?"

"Your sister had something to say before you came in," My dad says. "What were you going to say Josephine?"

Both Jake and my dad stare at me, awaiting to hear what I had to say. My dad is a patient man, he always has been. He won't react with anger, but Jake will. And I wasn't prepared to tell him, only my dad.

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