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Like I knew he would, Jake told my dad.

And things have been different around the house. My dad doesn't yell, honestly, neither of my parents were big on yelling. But it's the silence that scares me. He gave Jake a singular nod when he told him that I was friends with Paul. His eyes adverted to the table, not bothering to look at me anymore.

And that was it.

So dinner was awkward. Bella was long gone by now, she left after Jake stormed inside. I was left to deal with her to tell her to go home. She didn't understand the cue to leave, which was, not entirely shocking but it was weird enough to have to explain it.

The clinking of a fork on a plate draws me out of my thoughts. I was still stuck at the dinner table, where no when has spoken in ten minutes. My eyes flick up from the plate, to see Jake aggressively chewing his chicken.

"We're really not going to address this?" He asks, again. "Dad you told her no boyfriends and she disobeyed you."

"He's not my boyfriend," I clarify. "We're friends. Just as Embry or Quil are. Or, well, I guess just Quil now."

My dad looks up finally. We both look at Jake for an answer, or something at least to say. Some sort of look appears on his face, but he brushes past it. And sends it back down where it came from.

"But that isn't Paul's intention, Josie. He's going to use you to get what he wants, and he'll hurt you in the end," Jake says. "What part of that don't you understand?"

"I've told you this before, and I'll say it again," I tell him, "I can be friends with whoever I want to. You can't do anything about that."

"Dad, come on," Jake says, looking over at him. "Help me out here."

Our dad seems like he was thinking. He lifts his shoulders up and down after a couple of seconds. He didn't have an opinion? For once?

Did I piss him off that much?

"She's right Jacob," He finally says, which causes me to look up in shock. "If they're friends, you can't do anything about it."

"Dad," Jake says, a scoff leaving his mouth. "This is Paul Lahote we're talking about here. You can't be serious."

"They're friends," My dad says, "I think Josie's capable and strong enough to shut down Paul if she wishes to do so...That's it, son."

Jake shakes his head, and storms off. He doesn't bother to pick up after himself. I hear the door to his room slam a couple of seconds later. I let out a sigh, I understand why he was so angry. But he doesn't get to control my life.

I push the green beans around on my plate. I didn't care that Jake was upset, I was more worried about if my dad was. I glance up at him, to see he had put Jake's fork on top of his plate.

"Are you mad?" I ask quietly.

"No," He says shortly.

"You seem upset," I say, "I didn't expect us to become friends. It, just happened."

"I'm more worried than upset honey. I want you to be careful." I stay quiet as he finally meets my eyes. "Paul Lahote has a bad reputation around here, his temper is out of control."

Everyone always says that. But he's never used it on me. Or yet anyway.

"I will," I reassure him.

"Do you like him?" He asks after a minute or so of silence.

I swallow hard, "No."

"Don't lie Josephine. I raised you better than that," He says, but his tone staying the same. "I went to school with his father, I know how his father used to be with girls. I'm sure Paul is the same way."

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