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As April came, it started to become enjoyably warm.

It was normally rainy here, but for some reason it seemed to be excessively rainy this season. But today, was the first nice day in what felt like a long time. So of course, we had to take advantage of it.

I was at the beach with Jaeda and Eden. It's been a couple weeks now without hanging out with one another. So we were all in need of some girl time. With Jaeda being in a relationship now, and Eden starting to studying for the SAT's, we were all pretty busy.

"I mean Ethan's nice and all," Jaeda says, lifting herself up onto her towel. "But maybe a little too nice, if there's such thing as that."

Ethan was her new boyfriend. I guess they met through a mutual friend in homeroom or something. He played lacrosse, was a senior, and was apparently really into Jaeda.

"Too nice?" Eden repeats.

"Yeah, does that make any sense? I don't know, maybe that's just a sign I'm not really into him."

"Maybe," I suggest. "But at least you know what you want. That's why you usually date multiple people to figure out who you'll end up with in the end."


"Yeah," She agrees, "Now tell me about you and Paul. What's been going on?"

Oh you know, just the fact that I'm dating is a werewolf. No big deal.

"He met my dad a couple weeks ago, and I met his last night. That wasn't that big of a deal. But I slept over at his house last night," I explain the last part shyly.

They both fully sit up. Jaeda pushes her sunglasses off her eyes.

"What," A smile on her lips as she stares at me in disbelief. "Tell me you didn't..."

Have sex?

"No," I say quickly. "We didn't."

"No offense, but that's really surprising," Eden says, "Paul used to fuck anything with a heartbeat. And you two spend a night together and nothing happened?"

"Well I wouldn't say nothing," I nervously fumble with my fingers. I wasn't used to talking about this kind of stuff. "We had a pretty, heavy, make out session."

"Shut up," Eden says, a laugh escaping her lips. "Was he a good kisser?"

"Yeah, he is. It's pretty intimidating going into this, dating thing, with him when I know absolutely nothing about any of that," I explain, letting out a sigh. "He's at least really nice about it though."

"Well that's good," Eden says, "I would have to beat his ass if he was mean about it."

"I couldn't imagine him being mean. He treats her like she's extremely fragile."

"That's true." They both look back at me. "Have you two talked about anything else? Like, the b word?"

"What's the b word?" I ask, looking at Jaeda for help. "What's the b word!"

"Boyfriend," She smiles. "Do you two call each other, boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"No," I say, "We've only been on one date."

"Two technically, if you call what you did last night a date."

"We had dinner with his dad, I wouldn't call that a date," I clarify.

"Well do you want to go on one?" Eden asks.

"Yeah, of course I do."

"You should ask him then," She says, "I'm sure he'd love it if you did."

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