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Apparently Bella had disappeared.


Only Jake knew of her whereabouts this time. She had followed Edward to Italy on a whim because he was planning on outing himself to the vampire government or something like that.

It all seemed pretty dramatic to be honest.

But it left Jake heartbroken. That she once again chose Edward instead of him.

I was pissed — and even that was an understatement.

I wasn't overly excited about Bella before. But now, she was practically dead to me. Not only did she use Jake for her own happiness, but she also left him in the dirt like he was nothing.

I guess they haven't talked since the beginning of summer. Which I applauded Jake for. No contact was definitely hard to do. Especially when they were spending every waking moment together.

There were other changes over the summer too. Seth and Leah both shifted, right around the same time. Which I was happy about, it was nice to see Seth more often. But, that also meant that Leah was forced to be around Sam and Emily now. Which was not fun for anyone.

Embry finally spoke to Jaeda. After being too afraid for months, he spoke to her when we were all at the beach one day.

I think they had went on a date this past weekend. It almost caused a fight between Eden and her, but I think Eden eventually came to her senses when she realized Embry's true feelings.

And the fact that he couldn't help it.

They're honestly were really cute together. I was happy that I was going to be able to see Jaeda a lot more now.

Quil finally shifted too. Which everyone was really excited about. He was the last of the old friend group to shift, which meant that all the boys were able to hangout with one another again.

I slam the door to Jaeda's car, running over to Paul who was waiting on the front porch for me. He hugs me tightly when my body meets his. Pulling me into a comforting warm hug as I wrap my arms around his torso.

"There's my girl."

I smile as I breathe in his familiar scent. His body envelopes me perfectly, both arms wrapped fully around me.

"Don't act like you guys didn't see each other yesterday," Jaeda teases as she walks onto the porch.

"Don't act like you aren't going to give Embry the same hug when you walk inside," I shoot back, sending her an innocent smile as she walks by.

She rolls her eyes, even though there's a smile on her face. And I watch her walk into Emily's and immediately wrap her arms around Embry's bare torso from behind.

Paul lightly turns my face to peck my lips. His lips were warm, and soft. And his breath smelled like a hint of mint, as it always does.

He somehow finds a way to always be so enticing. Everything about him draws me to him. His confidence, his looks, personality, everything about him was just so fucking attractive.

"How was studying?" He asks as he breaks the kiss.

"Bleh," I say with a sigh, he smiles, "I hate studying."

"Me too."

"But the SAT's aren't going to take themselves," I sigh, sliding my hands across his bare side. His skin was so soft. "Hopefully I do well."

"You will," He reassures me, "You're so smart baby. Probably one of the smartest people I know."

I roll my eyes, "Don't be dramatic."

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