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Graduation day.

I can't believe this was already here, Paul was graduating high school.

I pull into the parking lot of our school. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, fixing my lip gloss, and wiping the access mascara from under my eye. Remembering to grab the present I got him before I hop out.

I smooth down my light purple dress as I begin to walk toward the front doors. Fidgeting with my hands nervously as I get onto the sidewalk. I'm surrounded by people I don't recognize, all walking toward the same place.

I had to make a good impression. I just had to, because Paul's mom was going to be here. And after he told me all about her, I really wanted her to like me. But sometimes it was hard for me to open up and talk to new people. Especially when there's a lot of pressure to do good.

I spot Paul in his black and gold robes at the end of the hallway. The square hat in his hand, the tassels dangling down by his side. He was talking to his dad, who was just shy of Paul's height.

His brother was next to him, looking very bored and was texting away. A very pretty young girl was standing next to Zach, trying to be involved in the conversation anyway she could.

Paul turns his head suddenly, like he senses that I'm near. I'm sure he could, but it was still a shock to me every time he did it. A big smile appears on his face as I approach them. He stops listening to whatever his father was saying, and walks straight to me.

He gives me a big hug to greet me. Kissing my cheek quickly, and grabbing ahold of my hand.

"Hi beautiful. I love the dress."

"Hi," I smile, "Thank you. I love the robes." I drag my hand discreetly down the front of it. "I can't believe you're graduating today."

He smiles, "Can't believe it? Like you never thought it would happen?"

"No!" I say quickly, "No, no. Not at all. I knew you would. I meant like, I can't believe this day has finally come."

It's going to be weird not to see Paul at school anymore. That's what I normally look forward to whenever I'm there.

He chuckles, "I know baby. I'm just messing with you." He turns to the side a bit, "Let me introduce you to everyone."

My eyes land on a very well put together woman first. She was older, and on the phone. She wasn't paying attention to anything other than what was going on in that conversation. But even from her side profile I could tell she looks exactly like Paul.

My eyes divert to Paul's dad, and I greet him with a big smile. As he does to me.

"Hi Jack," I say, leaning in to give him a hug. "How are you?"

He tightly hugs me back, "Good honey. You look great."

"Thank you," I smile at him as I let go. He fixes his tie, which I now notice for the first time. "Dressed up for the occasion I see."

He smiles at my teasing, "Brought out my best shirt and tie. Had to dig deep in the closet for this one."

I laugh, "You look great."

"Thanks sweetheart."

"Zach this is Josie," Paul says next, "Josie this is my brother Zach."

I honestly can't believe I haven't met him yet. The amount of times I've spent at Paul's you'd think I would have. But he's always at his girlfriends house.

"What's up," He greets shortly. God this family must have killer genes. Paul and Zach could be twins. "This is my girlfriend Arden."

"Hi," I greet her with a smile.

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