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A/N: this chapter is going to be pg-13🤭 if that bothers you, i'll be more than willing to give anyone a summary of the chapter.

hope you enjoy, please comment and let me know what you think :)


As I lay in Paul's bed, I realize this has been the closest we've ever been.

His arm was tightly around my body, my head resting on his chest. I could feel it slightly raising and lowering as he took shallow breaths. His black comforter was at our ankles, neither of us needing it because of his heat.

It felt so comforting to lay here with him. Not only because his bed was super comfortable, but because for the first time in a while, I felt safe and secure.

I suddenly feel him shift under me, and I glance up at him. His eyes flicker down to me, the tv light glistening over his face in the dark room.

"Are you uncomfortable?" I ask.

"No," He tells me, "Just changing positions a bit."

I notice the way his eyes hung a bit, he was clearly tired. But was currently fighting sleep.

"You could go to sleep you know," I say, letting my fingers run down his muscular arm. "You look really tired."

It was nearly midnight, I had no idea how he was still up. He took last nights patrol shift for Jared, so he's running on maybe two hours of sleep.

"I like lying here with you," He explains. "I don't want to go to sleep just yet."

I nod, continuing to stare up at him as his eyes drift back to the movie we were watching. My eyes circle over every part of his face from this angle. He looks so, good from here. His jawline stuck out in particular to me. I felt the need to run my finger down it.

"See something you like?" He asks, a smile on his lips that I didn't notice before.

"I think I do."

"Oh yeah?" He asks, looking down at me again. "And what is that?"

"You." My hand raises to the side of his face, slowly letting them fall. I watch as his eyes flutter close upon my touch.

"Oh really."

I hum, "Sometimes I can't believe I'm dating you."

"Why not?"

"Because you're so good looking," I say, "Every girl in school wants you."

"And I only want you."

I smile, pushing myself off of his chest to meet his lips. He gladly kisses me back, his hand that used to be wrapped around me slides over my waist after a couple of seconds.

Wanting to get out of the awkward kneeling position I was in, I hesitantly glide my leg over his torso. He allows me to straddle him, almost excited that I had decided to do so.

Our kiss deepens, his tongue slides over my bottom lip. Asking politely for position to enter my mouth. When I allow him to, our tongues collide with one another. The kiss turning passionate, needy. I could tell we both wanted this badly.

My hands tangle around his neck, and I feel him hesitantly grab onto my hips. I was surprised he allowed this to go on for so long, the last time we did this he quickly put an end to it.

I shift my hips, want to get even closer to him. But I accidentally brush against his lap in the process. He lets out a low groan, his hands squeezing my hips slightly. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, but he seemed to like that. So I do it again.

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