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The sound of two knocks echos through the garage.

Both Jake and I look up as we hear the sound of the old door sliding open. Embry and Quil walk in, stupid grins on both of their faces. Both of their eyes hold a dark brown shade as I meet their stares.

"Hey guys," Quil says, taking a seat down next to me. "How's the rabbit coming along?"

"Not great," I chuckle, glancing at Jake in the process. "It's taking longer than expected."

"You act like rebuilding a car takes two weeks or some shit," Jake rolls his eyes at me. "It takes a long time Josie."

"You've redone everything you're doing twice now. Something's obviously wrong," I tell him.

"Give him some slack Jojo," Embry sticks up for his friend and smiles at me. "Takes some brains to rebuild an engine."

"Yeah he has none. Maybe that's why it's taken him this long," I say.

"This is why we don't invite you to hangout with us Josie," Jake scoffs.

"Shut up Jake," I tell him with a glare. He dishes it out to me all the time but he can't take it back. "What are you guys up to?"

"We got bored of playing video games," Quil says. "Wanted to see what Jake was up too."

"What's Eden doing?" I ask Embry.

He shrugs, "She's been in her room." He sits down. "Maybe she's still sleeping. I have no idea."

Jake continues to work on the engine, and we all watch in silence. No one else besides Jake knew how to do that. Or at least not well.

"You guys hear that Paige is now single?" Quil asks, a smirk on his face.

My stomach sinks. Why does no one have anything better to talk about?

"Really?" Jake asks, his eyebrows raised. "What happened with her and douche face?"

"No idea, they were arguing in the hallway. I guess Paul was screaming at her the whole time."

"She doesn't deserve him," Jake rolls his eyes.

I'm surprised no one around here knew the topic of their conversation. But then again if the boys knew they were arguing about me, Jake would have a fit. He hates Paul, more than anything. Well in reality he hates anything that has to do with Sam's cult.

"Agreed. I could treat her so much better," Quil says.

Embry rolls his eyes, "She only wants you in your dreams buddy."

"And they're fucking great dreams."

Embry shakes his head, a snicker leaving his mouth. I tap my white sneakers on the ground as I look around at each of the boys.

"Doesn't she cheat on him?" I decide to chime in.

"Probably," Embry says. "But I think he does too, right?"

"That's what the football guys say," Quil says. "Sounds like a really healthy relationship."

"What would you know about the football guys? You don't even play."

Embry and Jake chuckle, while Quil gives me a fake dirty look.

"I know more than you missy," He says, "I hear their locker room talk. Everyone wants a piece of Paige now that her and Paul are done."

"A piece of her?" I repeat his words and scoff. "Even if she is a bitch don't talk about her like she's an object Quil."

"Sorry," He raises his hands in defense.

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