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"Jake!" I shout throughout the house. "Where did you put the laundry detergent?"

I wait for a response, but one never came.

I sigh, closing the closet door where it was supposed to be. Walking further down the hall, I knock a couple of times before pushing open his door.

"Jake? Did you hear me—" No one was there. When did he leave? He usually tells me before he leaves the house.

I quickly close the door, the overwhelming stench of teenage boy made my eyes water.

I walk towards the front door, slipping on my converse and jacket. I pull the hood up, just as I start to walk towards the garage in the back. It was just starting to get nice again. The snow was starting to melt, and the flowers were slowly starting to bloom. It was nice here. For once.

I notice the light was on through one of the side windows. I should've known he'd be back here working on the rabbit.

I slide open the door, "Jake where did you put —" I stop mid sentence to see he was hanging out with a girl. Not just any girl, but Bella Swan. "Oh, hey Bella. I didn't know you were here."

"Hey Josephine," She says and sends me an awkward smile. I hated how she called me that. "I decided to stop by. But I probably should've called, or something."

"No it's fine," I reassure her. I don't think she's been to our house since we were kids. "What are you guys doing?"

"Bella brought over scrap metal," Jake teases her.

She rolls her big brown eyes, sitting down on the couch next to Jake again.

"Scrap metal?" I repeat.

"Bikes from a junk yard," Bella clarifies, "They were 20 bucks each."

"So scrap metal," Jake smirks at her. He continues to tighten one of the screws. He had managed to take everything apart, which I'm sure has taken him hours. I notice the other one Bella was talking about near by. Was he going to do all of this himself. "What was it that you wanted?"

"Oh," I say, remembering about my laundry. "Where'd you put the detergent?"

"I didn't touch it," He tells me with his face still on the bike.

"That's, not true. You were doing laundry last," I tell him, "I saw you the other day."

"I don't remember touching it Josie. Besides I'm kind of busy right now." Yeah busy sucking Bella Swan's dick.

"Well Dad doesn't do laundry, it's just us. And I need to do it, this is my last pair of clean clothes."

"Well why don't you use your eyes and look around. I don't remember where I put it."

"Asshole," I mumble under my breath and turn around. Maybe if he put things back where they belonged we wouldn't be having this problem.

I walk back outside, and see two boys appearing from the woods. I could tell from a mile away that was Paul. I've been getting good at recognizing him from distances. It's been about a week since I saw him and we had our deep conversation.

I glance over my shoulder and start walking towards the boys. Hopefully Jake is too occupied with Bella to notice I didn't go back into the house. When I get closer I realize it's Jared who was with him. Paul greets me with a big smile.

"Stalking me now?" I tease, wrapping my arms around his shirtless torso. "Hi Jared."

"Hey Josie."

"Couldn't help myself," Paul teases me back, giving a gentle squeeze. "What are you up to?"

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