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Paul Lahote

"You gotta tell her dude," Jared says, as we walk out of school one particularly warm Thursday afternoon. "What if she completely freaks out?"

"She will," Embry adds from beside us. "There's no way she wouldn't."

"I just told her I liked her, it can wait. We haven't even gone on a date or anything yet."

"Wouldn't that be the right time then?" Jared asks. "Tell her before things get too serious?"

Tell her before things get too serious? So that if I do scare the living shit out of her, she can just never talk to me again?

I felt sick.

"No man, it's rushed," I tell him. "I don't want to do it just yet."

"Okay," Jared says nodding. "Do it when it feels right. But you do have to tell her eventually."

He feels like a parent sometimes.

"I know, bro."

"Lay off man," Embry tells him. "If Paul were to tell her now it would be very overwhelming. She needs to feel comfortable."

"Who needs to feel comfortable?" A fragile voice asks from behind us.


"Kim," Jared covers up quickly. "It's her birthday next week."

"Really?" Josie gasps, "Are you throwing her a party?"

"Yes, I just don't know how, really." God he was a good liar. Or maybe it is, really her birthday. Who knows.

"I can help," Josie offers kindly.

My eyes scan down her body habitually. She always manages to look so good, so beautiful. Even without trying.

"Perfect, you're the best Jos."

Hey, only I call her that.

My eyes snap over to Jared, to see him happily walking away with Embry. I try to push this foreign annoyed feeling away.

I lick my lips and look down at her. She was already staring. Her full plump lips pushed to one side as she looks at me.

"Hi," She says shortly.

"Hi yourself." She stuffs her hands in the pockets of her white zip up. "How was your day?"

"Good," She smiles. "How was yours?"

"Better now," I tell her, watching her cheeks turn a light pink color. I try not to smirk at that. She was always blushing every time I complimented her. I liked it. "You look pretty."

"Really?" She asks, I nod. "I threw this on today with five minutes to spare."

"You must've stayed up late," I tease, already knowing the answer. "Who were you talking to?"

"This one boy who won't stop calling me," She teases back. "It's like he's obsessed with me or something."

"Right," I play along. "And who was the one that picked up on the first ring?"

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