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"You're hanging out," Eden repeats my words. "Today, after school..."

"Don't make it a big deal," I tell her, pulling a binder out of my locker. I probably shouldn't have even said anything, I should've just told her after.

"Why not?"

"Because you know why," I look over at her. "I've told you twice now my response to freaking out about Paul."

"...And why would you freak out about Paul?" A voice asks behind me.

Fuck. My timing is impeccable.

Eden's life seems to flash before her eyes, and she pulls her lips in a thin line out of regret. I slowly turn around to face a smirking Paul. Does he always have to have that smirk on his face?

How long had he been standing there?

"No reason," My mouth opens before my brain can think of a response.

"I think there is a reason," Paul says, he looks over at Eden. "What the reason, Call?"

"I'm not in this conversation," She says flatly.

I glance over my shoulder to give her a look, "Thanks."

"No problem."

Paul chuckles, "Does this mean you're going to freak out now?"

"Shut up," I mumble, to which he chuckles. "Why are you eavesdropping on our conversation anyway?"

"I saw you standing over here and just thought I'd pop by and say hi," He says, flashing me a pearly white smile. How is that so knee weakening? "And I'm so happy I did."

"Do you love to torture me?" I ask him.

"I wouldn't say, love or torture," He teases, "Those are strong words. But do I enjoy teasing you? Sure."

I roll my eyes.

I hear him chuckle at my annoyed expressions. After closing my locker I face him. He had a smug look on his face.

"Eden and I were having a conversation," I tell him. "A private one."

"And I so rudely interrupted it, didn't I?"


He smirks, "Alright I'll leave, after you tell me what it was about." Well now that he's here he mine as well stay. Besides I didn't want him to leave.

"How about I don't tell you?"

"I think I have a right to know. It was about me."

"You're so stubborn," I mumble under my breath. He smirks, telling me that he somehow heard it. "She asked me what I was doing later tonight and I told her I had plans with you."

"Correct," He says, "Is that something to freak out over?"

"No," I say. "That's why I'm not."

"Right," He teases, "Cause friends don't freak out about hanging out with other friends."

I roll my eyes. I can't tell if he's being serious about the friend's thing or if he's teasing me. He's a little hard to read.

"You're so annoying, you know that?" I tell him, a small smile appearing on my lips.

"I do." My eyes flash behind him, and I see Jaeda walk through the double doors. It was the middle of the day, was she just getting here now? My eyes follow her as she walks down the hallway.

"Jaeda?" I ask as she gets closer.

Her eyes flick up from the ground, "Hey." She looks at Paul, and then back to us. Her brain seems too full to make some sort of joke today. "What's up?"

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