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I think I've finally grasped my head around this huge secret. It's taken me a couple of days. But I think that I've finally understood it.

Paul was a shapeshifter. A wolf.

He shifted in the early fall, right after Jared. But Sam was the first to shift, the first to figure it all out so he's the leader. Or, Alpha as Paul put it.

And when a boy has the gene, and a vampire comes to town, they'll most likely shift. I guess there's only been stories about boys in their tribe, never girls.

I said that sounds a bit misogynistic to me.

But anyway, I guess the whole moral of his story is that vampires were bad, and werewolves were good. They keep the peace in the town, and most importantly they stop the red eyes from killing anyone else that couldn't protect themselves.

People like me.

If they were to hurt anyone, it was be a complete and utter mistake. Something that rarely happens, but yet still could happen. 

And that brings me back to the thoughts about Paul and I. I just have to be careful. That's all. I can't let my feelings toward Paul get in the way of my own well being. That's the most important thing.

Being sucked into this world was something that Paul stressed was, difficult. And as much as I care about him, putting myself first is what I really want to do here. If it's as dangerous as he says it is, then it's important. Crucial even.

I decide that I was going to find Paul to talk to him. Maybe I should text him first, find out where he is. I'm assuming he's at Emily's, but I'd hate to get all the way there for him not to be there.

I pull out my phone, and open our messages. I send a quick 'hey i'm ready to talk if you are' text and set my phone back down. While running my brush through my hair, I attempt to make myself look a bit better. Hiding the bags under my eyes, putting on some mascara, putting some gum in my mouth. And then I hear my phone go off.

'hi, i'm at my house. come over'

His house. I've only been there once. I guess maybe that was better than Emily's. It would be more private than if we were to hangout with the guys there.

I look at myself once more before grabbing a zip up and walking out of my room.

I get ready to walk out the door when I hear the rain beating on the roof. After I open the door I let out a sigh, realizing I wasn't going to be able to. It was pouring.

So that means I have to drive.

Normally I would make Jake drive. But one, he's still bed ridden. And two, I'm going to Paul's who he'd flip the fuck out on.

So I hesitantly pick up the keys to the truck Jake and I share and walk out of the house. I pick up my pace a little, trying not to get soaked in the time it took to get to the car.

I let out a breath once I get in, looking in the mirror. My attempt at putting on some makeup was useless now. I wipe away the mascara that was down my cheeks, and start the truck.

Okay, I can do this. Paul's house was even closer to mine than Emily's was. So it might even be easier.

I can do this. It's just driving.

After less than five minutes, and a small freak out, I made it to Paul's. His house looks almost the same as mine, apart from the fact that it was white and not red.

When I get to the porch, and lightly knock on the door it was opened seconds later. It wasn't Paul though, it was an older version of him. His brother, Zach.

"Hi," I say, "Um, I'm looking for Paul."

"You're, Josephine Black, aren't you?" He says, leaning against the door frame.

"Josie, but yeah," I say.

"I'm Zach, Paul's brother," He says, "I graduated with your sister Rebecca."

"Oh nice," I say, just as Paul shows up behind his brother.

"Move," He says plainly. Zach turns around to look at him in confusion. "So she can come in. It's cold out there."

Paul rolls his eyes at his brothers slow speed, and grabs ahold of my hand.

"Nice to meet you Josie," Zach says as I'm being pulled in the opposite direction of him.

"You too," I call back to him.

Paul takes me into his room and closes the door. I'm almost instantly engulfed with his scent. It was like a warm hug from him, and I was far sure that I really liked being in here.

"Didn't want me to talk to your brother?" I ask, filling the quiet room.

He sits down on his bed, his legs over the side, socked feet touching the floor.

"No, not really," He says, motioning for me to sit down next to him. "He'd probably try to get you into his room rather than mine."

I didn't know what that meant. But it felt personal, so I didn't bother digging into it.

"So I uh, had some time to think these past couple of days," I say, sitting down next to him on his squishy bed.


"Yeah," I repeat, "And I thought that, it'll definitely take some time to ease into. But, I know I can't not have you in my life."

Is that completely crazy of me? I'm head over heels for him and he's a wolf.

"Really?" He asks.

"Really." I look up at him, to see he was already looking. "I like you too much to stop."

Maybe I was crazy. But I didn't care.

"God it feels so good to hear you say that," He breathes out, wrapping his arms around me. "I swear I thought I lost you for good."

"You didn't," I say while smiling. "But don't freak me out with the whole wolf thing too much okay? I'm still getting used to it."

"I won't," He reassures me.

"Like actually don't, because I'm already on the line of running," I warn.

"You have nothing to worry about Jos," He reassures me, grabbing ahold of my hand. "I promise."


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