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It was raining hard the following day.

I was laying in my bed when I heard breaks squeak outside my house. I quickly got up, and ran towards the window that showed me the backyard.

Jake was outside, walking toward the tree line. My eyes followed to where he was heading, and saw four boys on the cusp of it. Paul, Embry, Sam, and Jared.

I got my raincoat out from the closet, slipped some shoes on and walked out the back door. I start to pull the hood over my head just as the little droplets start hitting my forehead.

"I thought you were too sick to come outside," My head jolts up as I hear Bella's voice. "Or pick up the phone when I call. But turns out you were just ignoring me?"

She was confronting Jake. This was the first time they had seen each other in a long time.

"Josie?" Bella's voice calls after me. "Did you know about this?"

"Know about what?" I ask, my eyes flicking between the pair of them.

Neither answered, so I continue to walk back toward Paul and the other boys. Once I got closer, I notice the smile on his face. He met me halfway, so I didn't have to walk all the way to him.

"Hi beautiful," He wraps his arms around my neck tightly. His warmness surrounded me immediately. "Missed you."

"Missed you too," I said, letting go of him. "What are you guys up to?"

"Going back to Emily's," He told me. "Do you want to come?"

I nod, "Sure." My eyes flashed over to the rest of the guys. They were staring at Jake and Bella behind us.

Paul took my hand, and led me under the tree line so that we were covered from the rain. But I was practically dripping from it now. The cold wind wasn't helping.

"Hi," I said to the other boys. They all sent a hi toward me. "What's going on over there?"

"He's ending their friendship," Jared explains, continuing to listen to the pair ways ahead of us.

"Why?" I ask, "Bella's been his friend since we were kids."

"He has too. Pack rules."

I looked at Paul, "Why?"

"Because she's human and not..." He trailed off, he looked like he was thinking. "His girlfriend."

"I thought that Bella was into him," I said, looking back at the two of them. "That's what Jake told me anyway."

"I guess not as much as he thought."

My eyes narrowed at Bella. So she was just using him to get over Edward. Typical. That seems to be the habit she continues to do her entire life.

I felt myself shiver, and Paul noticed. He took ahold of my hand, pressing it up to his lips.

I looked over at him, watching him kiss the back of my hand. My eyes flicker back up to his, and he sends me a small smile.

"Let's walk back to Emily's," He said, "I wanna get you out of this weather."

I nod, letting him lead the way to Emily's. He holds my hand tightly as we walk through the woods.

"Can I explain something to you?" He asked, "It's kind of important."

"Of course."

He swallows hard, "Jake has to stop talking to Bella not because she's isn't his girlfriend. But because she's not his imprint."

Imprint? What the hell is that?

I looked up at Paul, hoping he'd continue. He was staring at the ground in front of us, mind racing with thoughts. He looked incredibly nervous, like, this imprint thing was bad.

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