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I was relaxing hard in bed a week or so later.

It felt nice to finally do nothing after a long day of school. I was starting to get to the point of the semester where I was checked out. My brain was yearning for summer break, it was so incredibly close. But so far at the same time too.

I was on the phone with Jaeda, catching up on life. She was telling me how she was going to end things with her boyfriend. I guess ever since we talked that day at the beach, she hasn't been feeling it.

It had to have been the imprinting. Not only do the boys feel it when it happens, but we do too. I was instantly drawn to Paul the moment we locked eyes in the parking lot at the beginning of the school year. The only way I could describe it, was that it felt like a magnet was pulling me toward him. I found myself searching for his eyes in every room I walked into, and now I can't stay away.

"I don't know, is it weird to be doing this? I felt something for him just two weeks ago, and now I just, completely lost interest," She explains on the other line.

"Sometimes that's what happens," I tell her, "What are you going to say to him?"

"I have no idea," She says. "What do you think I should say?"

That's honestly a good question. I would have no idea what to say.

"Maybe that you guys are better off friends?" I suggest, "I don't know really. Unless you want to just flat out tell him the truth."

"But that's so awkward," She sighs, "I don't want to be like, hey I lost feelings for you the more I got to know you. I'd sound like a bitch."

"I mean it doesn't have to be that harsh," I chuckle, "Maybe stick with the just friend's thing. That's always a safe option. And he shouldn't be too hurt because you guys have only been dating for about a month."

"Yeah, you're right," She tells me. "I'll call him tomorrow to hangout. I'm just itching to end it, but not in a mean way. I just, want to be free."

"So you don't want a relationship?" I ask.

"I don't know," She tells me. "I feel, confused right now. I've been having dreams about Embry. Isn't that weird? Like why did I feel so, attracted to him that day?"

Well there's a whole supernatural explanation why, but that wasn't my place to tell her that. Even though it was so incredibly hard not to. She was one of my best friends, I told her everything.

"Dreams about him?" I repeat, "It sounds, dare I say it, but maybe you like him."

I hear her groan, "I'm not supposed to. I still have a boyfriend J." Her voice was suddenly muffled, "How bad of a person am I?" Her head was definitely in her comforter or something.

"You're not a bad person Jaeda," I reassure her, "This kind of stuff happens for a reason. Reasons that are out of our control sometimes."

"I guess you're right," She says, "The universe wouldn't send me someone that wasn't significant. People come into our lives for certain reasons."

"Want me to put in a good word with Embry?" I tease her, "Or I can tell Paul too."

"No!" She says quickly, "Don't. I need to talk to Eden first."

"You're going to tell her you have a crush on her brother?"

"I don't know! Ugh this is so frustrating, like why him? Why Embry Call? The boy who used to put mud in my hair as a kid."

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