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The halloween party was all anyone could talk about around here.

It was this weekend already. The weeks were flying by of this semester and I couldn't believe it. Pretty soon it would be Thanksgiving and then we'd only have about three weeks left before our bigger break.

But this was my favorite time of year. The leaves changing colors, the brisk air, the decorations that accentuate each persons house. It all makes me happy. Halloween was one of my favorite holidays. It allows you to dress up as someone you want to be for a day. It gives you an escape from your life for just a night. But it also gives people an excuse to get obliterated.

I beep the horn twice when I get to Jaeda's. She comes running out seconds later, like she was sitting by the door waiting for me. Her wallet was tightly grasped in her hand, as she practically dances down the steps. We both liked Halloween. Even as kids we had to have best costumes when we went out trick or treating. Once she gets to my car she pulls the door wide open and hops in quickly.

"Wow it's cold," She breathes out, pulling her jacket closer to her body. I see her twist the knob to blast the hot air. "Thanks for picking me up."

"Sure," I tell her. She didn't live too far away from my house. "Where are we going again?"

"Forks, there's a small halloween shop there." I nod and start backing out of her driveway. "We have to pick up Eden too."

"Okay," I say. I start driving in the direction of her house. The party was in four days, so I really hope that the costumes aren't picked over. We'd have to get something lame then, and I know none of us want that.

"So what do you think about angel and devil costumes for us?" She asks, tapping her fingers to the beat of the song. "Seems cute, right?"

"Isn't everyone going to do that?" I ask, taking a turn down Eden and Embry's road. Angel and devil did sound good, but as a back up decision maybe. "I don't want to be one of like ten angel and devils there."

"Yeah," She agrees. "Maybe we should think of something else."

"Does Eden wanna do something with us too?" I didn't want her to feel left out if she wants to be included. I beep the horn twice again, telling her that we were here.

"She told me she didn't want to do angels or anything like that. Because I suggested Charlie's Angels at first and she said no," She says. "But we can ask again if she wants to do a group costume."

I watch Eden walk out the door, shaking her head at something. I notice that her cheeks were a reddish color, but not because it was cold out. Probably because she was angry.

Jaeda hops out, pulling back the seat so that Eden could get in the backseat. Once they both get in I hear her let out a frustrated sigh, and my eyes go straight towards the rearview mirror. Her eyes were glued closed as she rests her head against the headrest.

"You okay?" Jaeda asks.

"Yeah, Embry and I got into a big fight," She says while sighing again. She reopens her eyes and meet mine in the mirror. "It was over the party, he doesn't want me going. Any of us really."

"That's really stupid," I say, backing out of the driveway. "He's never acted like this before."

"I know," She says, "I tried to tell him that we're not scared little freshman anymore. You guys are juniors and I'm a sophomore, so we're allowed to go out and have fun."

"Right," Jaeda agrees. "Why's he suddenly so protective?"

"I don't know," She says, "But it's fucking annoying. His anger is getting so bad that I feel like he's changing into someone else."

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