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A quiet knock startled me from my book a couple of nights later.

I jump a little, not expecting anyone to be knocking on my window at this time. I look up to see a large silhouette, and when my eyes adjust to the darkness a couple of seconds later I immediately recognize who it was.

I smile, getting up from my bed. I quietly lock my door and walk over to the window. He helps me slide the window up just as he starts to climb through.

"Hi," I say with a grin.

"Hi beautiful." He hugs me tightly. His warm bare chest instantly surrounds me like a blanket.

"What are you doing out so late?"

"Patrol," He explains, hopping into my room. "And I was thinking of you, so I thought I'd stop by. Is that okay?"

God he looks so pretty tonight.

"It's always okay," I say, my smile growing knowing he was thinking of me. I remember Paul not wanting to tell me what patrol was about before he told me his secret. I wonder if he would now. "Can you tell me what patrol is now?"

He nods, chuckling, "We take turns doing perimeters around town, running through and checking every inch of the forest," He closes the window behind him softly.

"What are you checking for?" I ask, looking into his soft brown eyes.

"Vampires," He says casually. "Usually we don't find anything. But, every once in a while there are some that pass through."

"How do you know they're vampires? Apart from the whole, fangs and stuff."

"They have a certain smell," He explains, "It's super sweet, almost intolerable. It gives us a headache that pretty much lasts for hours."

"So, how many have you ran into since you've phased?" I ask.

"I think only four so far," He says, looking like he was thinking about it. "At least with red eyes."

Red eyes means vampire, got it.

"Like the redhead," I say, remembering her chilling gaze. It sent goosebumps all over my body. "The woman that came after me."

"Yes," He says, "You'll have to come to Emily's with me one night. Sam is best out of all of us at explaining how things work in terms of them, and, us."

"What do you mean? Isn't it just, you guys hate each other?"

"Well, we have a bit of an, understanding with the Cullen's," He says, and looks up at me. He must've read my face, "They're vampires too."


"Wait a second," I say, trying to wrap my head around what he just said. "The Cullen's are vampires?"

"Yeah. Did I forget to mention that part?" He asks, peering over my shoulder to my unmade bed.

"Yeah, yeah you did."

"Sorry," He chuckles. "Yeah they're vampires. They've known about us ever since our tribe started. With your great grandfather actually, he was the chief."

That's actually pretty cool. My great grandfather, was the one that started it all. He was once the chief of the pack my brother and, the boy I'm dating, is in.

"Really?" I ask. He nods. "I guess that explains the flawless look to all of them," I think out loud, turning around to the corner of my bed. "Does Bella know?"

"I'm assuming so," Paul says, "She doesn't know about us though. So don't tell her, okay?"

"We're not friends," I clarify. "And I wouldn't even if we were."

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