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You know for a 14 year old Peggy's smarter than I give her credit for. I should write about her more often. She is my best friend.

I was alone at lunch for once, Alex was somewhere and James was off sick, as he often is.

So I was just chilling with my headphones when Peggy comes up to me, and I took them out to be respectful.

"Whatcha listening to?" She asked as she sat down.


"Ha virgin!"

"So are you." I said back though I was a little pissed.

"How do you know I am?"

I eyed her up and down.

"Okay fine I am." She rolled her eyes. "But I don't think it would matter much if I wasn't."

"You're 14."

"So? I think if I love someone enough," She fake coughed, "Maria." This time it was my turn to roll my eyes. "I don't think it's so bad."

"You're so young though, what if you regret it?" I don't think I actually care I'd just be a little pissed if she loses her virginity before me.

"I'd rather be sure and do it, then regret it, than never do it. Besides it's not like I flaunt my tits everywhere, I want to lose my virginity with someone I love, not some random stranger."

"Me too." I'm so gonna fuck Alex.

"You know I don't understand the stigma around sex." She sighs, lying down on the grass and I cautiously lie back too. "It's just sex. If I wanna do it it's none of anyones business, same as whether Im a virgin or not. It doesn't really matter, does it?"

"Not really I guess. As long as it wasn't a pedo."

"Ugh John I have taste." She hit me on the arm and we both laugh.

"You can't control whether you get hit on by a pedo or not though."

"You can control whether you murder them or not." I muse.

"One time I got cat called and I drastically lied about who my father was," She pauses and sneezes. "I said he was a cop who would arrest him and shoot his dick in the process."

"ACAB." I hold up my fist.

"ACAB." She agrees, fist bumping me.

Being not white is scary for reasons it shouldn't be. Just because I don't have the skin colour of an untitled document doesn't mean I should be shot by cops.

But anyway.

"Is James off sick today?" Peggy asks, rolling onto her stomach.

"When isn't he?"

"I'm gonna text him," She pulled out her phone, and my phone also buzzed, which meant she texted the group chat. I'll wrote out what she said.

peggles: graham cracker what ailment are you dying of today

james: hepatitis b

peggles: how many times have i told you not to go back to thomas???

pongFag: std jokes are funny bc i hope he dies in agony

By this time I had gotten out my phone too.

alexANDER: actually where tf r u guys

peggles: go put on a leotard and shove a fucking dildo up your ass

alexANDER: girl what

peggles: it's literally a common saying???


peggles: freshmen

peggles: AMONG US SUS

pondFag: plz let that die

james: john ive only just realised why is ur name formatted like a python variable

pondFag: im failing computer science

For some reason she texted the chat with Alex in, which is called "The School Gays".

There's one without Alex in which is named "Bottoms United" which is weird because I've never explicitly stated I'm a bottom but I suppose I don't act like a top.

I look like someone who owns multiple dildos.

And you're not wrong.


Johnny L

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