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Y/n's POV:

We all (Nat, Clint, Steve, Sam, James, Tony, and I) walked back into the compound after a particularly exhausting mission in the late June heat. 

"Just go for a quick check-up with Bruce and then meet me in my office for your report at 3 pm." Said Tony, pointing at the gash on my arm. Another scar to add to the collection.

After a couple of stitches and a change into some more casual clothes (an oversized T-shirt and some sweatpants to be precise) I headed over for my meeting.

The mission reports were usually confidential so that we could comment on our strengths and weaknesses or about tactics that were working with the team without it feeling awkward, so you can imagine my surprise when I walked into Tony's office and saw James, an unfamiliar woman who was dressed head to toe in neon yellow, and no Tony.

"Why don't you take a seat next to Mr. Barnes, Miss Y/l/n?" She said in a sickly sweet voice. 

I don't like her. Is that too judgemental? Nah.

I was sitting down in the seat on Barnes's right-hand side when she opened her mouth again.

"My name is Rachel Hollingwood," She began "I'm a couples therapist who-"

"Thank you, but goodbye." I said, getting straight out of my seat. Tony Stark is an annoying little piece of shit.

"Please sit down," She whispered in a patronizing tone, pointing to the blue suede chair.

Tony might be annoying but at least his chairs are comfy. 

I stayed standing anyway.

"Look, I don't just treat couples who are romantically involved, I treat friends who are working through issues and colleagues who have a hard time working together as well..." She continued.

We definitely didn't need therapy. Not only were we not 'friends with issues' or 'romantically involved' but we worked great together in the field, today's mission was proof of that, we just happened to be donating orgasms to each other (but nobody knew that anyway).

I mean, it's true that for this past week since 'The Incidents' we hadn't been speaking to one another, but we had fucked away our issues last night at the hotel and now everything was back to our normal fragile coexistence.

As per usual, Nat had forced James and me to room together by insisting that she go with Clint. It's pretty obvious that she was trying to make us get along, but it clearly wasn't necessary. The hickey on my left boob proved it.

"I've been told by some of your co-workers that you two don't get along, lets talk about that." She smiled sickly.

Ugh, I want to barf.

"It was Steve and Tony right?" James asked, looking unamused.

"I'm not at liberty to divulge that information to you, Mr. Barnes. But I can inform you that your attendance to this quick, hour-long session is mandatory, so why don't you sit down Miss Y/l/n." 

Eventually, after realizing that there was no getting out of this, I sat down again next to James. This was going to be the longest hour of my life.

"So you two never quite clicked? Tell me why you think you got off on the wrong foot." She said, looking first at him, then at me when he gave no response. I did the same. "You need to talk to me if this is going to work."

Neither of us said a word, I just drew shapes on the arm of the chair with my finger while Barnes inspected his new arm. He had managed to convince Tony that his old one didn't work as well now that it was full of glitter, so I guess that plan backfired.

"Miss Y/l/n?" She squeaked. Maybe we would be more likely to answer if she wasn't speaking to us like we were children who had fallen out on the kindergarten playground.

"Mr. Barnes?" She probed again. Fine.

*James might be an asshole but he is good at sex.* I signed in ASL, smiling while 'Rachel' and Barnes just looked at me confused.

"And what does that mean?" She asked in a teacher-like voice.

*He has a big dick.* I signed again to their blank faces. *It's at least 9 inches.*

"Miss Y/l/n, why don't you use your words?" 

Fuck no. I'm not a child.

"James è bravo a letto." I answered. (James is good in bed)

"Sì?" He asked, looking at me and smirking. "parli italliano?" (yes? - You speak Italian?)

"leggi il mio file, stronzo." (read my file, asshole.)

"Okay, I'm sorry but I don't speak Italian. can we try again?" Rachel asked, a fake grin plastered on her face.

"ningún problema." I retorted "¿Español?". (no problem - Spanish?)

"Sí. Hablaba que Y/n es un bueno polvo" Grinned Barnes (I was saying that Y/n is a good fuck)

We high-fived while she looked us right in the eyes. "Look, I have a degree in Psychology and-"

"Buena para ti, No fui a universidad. ¿Y/n?" James asked, turning his head back to me. (Good for you, I didn't go to college. Y/n?)

"No." I answered, also grinning. 

Something in Rachel's eyes told me we had her and then she snapped. "Well. Clearly, you two can get along just fine." She went to start packing away her stuff when she realized that she only had an empty notebook and two pens. "Goodbye." She said curtly before storming out the door in her tiny yellow high heels.

"Bye Rikki!" I yelled after her.

"See you next time!" Called Barnes.

I did learn one thing today though: against a common enemy, James and I are unstoppable.

(906 Words)

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