Chapter 1

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POV: Siana Pèrez

Two years ago

I always thought about having a child like in my thirties not twenty's I wanted to live life to it's fullest I haven't even made it to my twenties i just turned nineteen and looking down at the pregnancy test brought tears to my eyes.

I wasn't ready I was scared shit less I know my parents they won't be happy with me I'm there only daughter they expect a lot from me when they only have all boys and I was there miracle child the girl they've been wanting forever they put a lot of pressure on me to succeed.

Go to college them always telling me they did many things for me the least i could do was go to college I graduated high school all ready and now I will be a disappointment to them being pregnant first before having a husband I picked up my phone calling my best friend Vivi

i just turned  nineteen a month ago how am I supposed to take care of a child I haven't lived my life to the fullest point  the tears started to fall no no no I'm not ready I don't know how to raise a kid I'm the youngest in my family the only girl.

" Hey! Bambina how did it go it's negative, right?"

" no it's not it's fucking positive! what am I supposed to do I don't know how to raise a child my birthday was a month ago I didn't even get to the fun twenties everyone talks about what am i going to do—-

" whoa clam down your talking way to fast and we're going to get thorough this no need to worry"

I wanted to listen to vivi  we're going to get through this but are we really then I was talking to fast I'm scared, worried all of the above my strong Mexican accent so me talking fast caused people to not understand what I'm saying Vivi was Italian I met her when I was seventeen she's been the best ever since.

that's not the only problem the dad is a complete stranger to me I met in the bar I was just ready to lose my virginity and i was sick of being the perfect daughter while my Brothers did anything they wanted with no repercussions they never got in trouble even if they did fucked up shit.

So i said why not plus he was sexy I only remember how he looks we weren't really to keen on getting names at the moment.

" shit is the dad the guy you met at the bar now that was a true Italian you couldn't even stand the next—-"

" VIVI! not the point but how am I going to get in contact with him that was a month ago I regret everything i did on my birthday now what am I going to do?" I asked her my legs shaking still holding the test in my hands

" we got this girl clam down and don't tell your parents first you're not showing yet so you have some time to figure out what you're going to do
And we can try are hardest to find the guy don't worry I'm going to be by your side though everything you can trust me what are best friends for"

Welp that was a big fucking lie

Present Time

" Mama.."

" I know Gino you're hungry but I'm trying my hardest" I wanted to cry I wanted to cry every night hell somedays I couldn't even hold it in.

Being homeless and having a two year old son doesn't make it better I tried to get jobs but i just got fired from every one the complaints from customers about Gino crying and whining didn't help either but he is just a baby i didn't have anyone to watch him while I'm at work so I had to take him with me and pay my coworkers to watch him while on the floor serving,

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