Chapter 9

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POV: Siana Pérez

It was time we we're making our first move over the few days Matteo taught me all about the hierarchy of the Mafia it was interesting really to know there family history the pantings in the house making much more sense they were the old Dons of the Rossi mafia and their wives some liked to keep more than one.

I played chess with Vincenzo more and Sophia taught me about all the things rich wives do it bored me to no end she sprayed, water on me every time I got it wrong Naomi was different we were calm with each other she treated me like a daughter sometimes we would take walks in the garden with Gino she would tell me about her friendship with Vincenzo she never talked about the person she stills love"

Andre he was quiet with me I could see him always observing me he talked around Gino I didn't mind I liked that we we're all having a relationship together it made me at home with a bunch of murderers maybe crazy to.

Gino was put to bed it was night time he was in Matteo's room I was in my own looking at myself in the mirror my noir dentelle graphique dress was beautiful it was black the gloves went perfect as well my hair in a low ponytail with two curls in my face.

I needed to get in good with Petro Colombo's wife hopefully best of friends I walked out the room closing the door behind me everybody was downstairs by the door waiting for me.

" there she is doesn't she looks great Matteo? I mean she is your wife"

I stuck my middle finger up at Nino you can always count on the shit to say something Matteo pulled me to the side gently did I look the part? did i look good rephrase that I knew I looked good who gives shit if he doesn't like it I thought it looked good.

" you look angelic just with black my favorite I trust you tonight we've been going over this for days there starting to make there moves they have people going to the bar we're we met you need to become her friend best if you have to do whatever it takes"

" I know I've got this I know what's at stake here trust me please"

" I will but you need this you can't be my wife without a ring I wouldn't allow you to walk around without it i know you're favorite color is tea green so I thought why not get her ring with something she likes" he whispered just for me to hear.

Matteo slid it on my finger delicately my eyes widening at the sight this was just for show but he actually got me a ring that the ring was sliver the diamond on top was big tea green color diamonds inside the diamond it's self sparkling.

" thank you it's really something I mean it in a nice way no throwing shade this time"

" of course wife you're bodyguard is outside you should go you have to be on time"

I waved by to everyone Vincenzo gave me a look I have to become the puppeteer the queen the limo was waiting for me my bodyguard opened the door for me it was nice I never been in a limo before he got in on the other side facing me.

" what's your name? I'm not just going to keep calling you bodyguard"

" Tony"

I shook my head getting the vibe he didn't want to talk the bottle of wine was next to me what would my family think they would't think any better then how we left off a failure of a daughter they can kiss my ass.

I need to keep focus tonight was a auction night at Crown point I never been to an auction in my life I was putting the wine up it was a very old and expensive wine Matteo said it would capture every one interest I'm not a drinker so I was going with him on this.

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