Chapter 17

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POV: Siana Pérez

The past few days have been a lot I'm still not talking to Matteo it's not like he's making any effort to speak to me we would walk right pass each other we didn't talk at breakfast he was meaner now always in a bad mood he came home covered in blood Petro might be gone but he left his men behind doing his dirty work.

It's been war in the streets are shipments being sabotaged more now that's making Matteo even more upset. Bianca was the nanny that made it better for me I didn't want Gino round Tony anymore he's been acting weird lately and I didn't like it I wasn't even sure about him driving me around but i had to act like things were fine it was enough going around as it was but that doesn't mean I'm not going to pay attention.

Gemma is still gone I've been going to visit Daniela every day Nino was busy they were trying to find Gemma and surprise surprise her shit dad is out of town something is going on behind our backs I have been working my ass of digging up a lot of shit on Gemma's dad i have all of his parter's names which was very hard by the way I got stuff on them more like blackmail just in case but if her dad isn't going to come back I'm going to make sure he does and I know how to get his attention.

I did all this by myself that made me happy i trusted Clara more than Tony now but he has to stay with me I rather he not no we're I'm going every second right now I was in the backseat Clara and Tony in the front.

" are you sure this is the right house Siana?"

" yeah I'm sure Clara you and Tony stay outside okay"

I got out the car looking at the house that began all my suffering my trauma I knocked on the door lightly tapping my heels i had on baggy pants with a cropped sweater my hair in a low bun.

I could hear voices inside I knew my mamá was coming to the door come on.

" ¿Qué haces aqui atrás?

" Hola mami"

" what are you doing here! And why are you dressed like that?"

" can we talk this includes Papá"

" come in your embarrassing me with the way you're dressed I wouldn't want people to think my daughter is back"

Her words hurt I hid it though her words always did she was the one that birthed me the fact she could treat me like this hurt she was my mother i could never say such hurtful things like that to Gino ever.

Walking inside everything looked the same except there were no pictures of me anymore not anything in sight it's like they erased me from their lives instead it was pictures of  Vivi my ex best friend I hate that backstabbing bitch i never saw it coming that's what hurt the most.

My papá was shocked seeing me as well as my bothers except Hugo he was only one year older than me he wasn't here I had four bothers.

" what is she doing in our house get out you disappointment!" My papá yelled and like always my bothers did nothing the only one who helped just a little was Hugo it wasn't a lot but it was something.

" the money that belongs to me I just wanted to let you know I'm pulling it out today All of it"

" you can't do that"

" yes i can it's in my name not yours i can access it when I'm eighteen I should've a long time ago but I had to much going on I'm in my twenties now so i have even more of a right to take it"

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