Chapter 31

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POV Siana Pérez

Three months that's how long it's been since we've heard a peep from Petro  in the mean time I've been taking over I am now the new owner of Crown point. I changed up something's it's more darker now the members love it.

Gino is still the same he had another seizure which scared me he lashes out more than usual he's just been staying to himself he only talks to me and his papa. He doesn't like to be touched so much so it's hard for Josephine.

She had to teach me and Matteo how to take care of him because whenever someone other than me and Matteo touches him he goes bat shit crazy and it's becoming harder to get him to clam down.

Now on to Matteo he's been the absolute best helping me go through the death of my mother and trying to kill myself he told me he loves me it's like I literally can not  leave that man alone.

I'm always trying to get kisses and do other things he's the best husband if we were actually married I wish.

" Siana are your listening" I blinked coming out of thoughts I turned to Clara nodding my head.

" sorry just in my head what is it?"

" the big opening party is in two days everyone Is on the guest list Matteo and Nino made sure to have Maximum security there you did it making a name for yourself it's not one person that doesn't know Siana Pérez" I smiled at Clara hearing her words.

We've become close is she Daniela no but she's still great I haven't seen Danny since she told me she never wanted to see me again and the fact that she's pregnant I asked Josephine but even she doesn't know who the dad is.

I did find out she's having a boy though isn't that funny when it's not Petro she has a boy but I know Daniela would've kept those girls because all she wanted to be was a mother and he robbed her of that every time.

I did what i did every day getting ready for my party it wouldn't be a crown point I just want to make sure things were good before I close it I was a little nervous though life has been going to good i just don't want Petro to come out right now I know we're not done with this war i just wanted to make it out.


After a very difficult day I came here to this house it's not home to me it never will be in all honesty the home before this wasn't ether it was a big house Matteo would't settle for any less just not him.

Matteo was in the living room playing the Piano i wrapped my arms around his neck he relaxed feeling my touch.

" how is he" I asked

" he's not getting any better that's what Josephine is saying and I bet her i never seen him act like this but we're going to have to get use to him this is the new him" Matteo said while playing.

He brought me to his side I sat down joining in I've learned a thing or two am I as good as my son no but i can do a little something.

He looked at me while playing making me blush I knew what he wanted I leaned in giving him a kiss that turned into making out of course he could do this while playing the piano I had a very talented man he's lucky to have me.

I pulled away and let him play I set in thought thinking about my mother I am healed but a part of me will never forgive my family for making it there mission to keep me away from her burial which they succeeded i don't see them as family i had to let go and that was all i needed to give me that final push i was always alone when it came to them anyways.

I heard tiny footsteps I opened my arms knowing that was my son he set in my lap as he joined his father on the piano see so talented.

" are you okay?" I asked him

" no not really i just want this to be over" Gino told me I did to I really did it was hard going about life knowing someone was watching and waiting.

" it will be baby soon then we can be truly happy we can find a house that's for us we can get you in school and so many other things you deserve to have"

" what about papa?" He asked truing his head to Matteo

" papa is coming with we're a family now me and your papa loves each other very very much we might not have started out like most boy friend and girlfriend but me and Matteo are much farther than that" I told him while making eye contact with Matteo.

" just you wait" Gino said suspiciously one thing about him and his father is that they are sneaky always keeping things.

" what does that mean you two are up to something" i said to them

" we're not up to anything darling now join us unless you're not on the Rossi level" Matteo said tauntingly.

I joined in on the piano I messed up a few times causing Matteo and Gino to look at me Gino was like my twin really he looked just like me but he acted just like his father I got the looks and Matteo got the personality part now people used to think Gino was my brother and they really didn't think he was Matteo son.

Now they know our bundle of joy is ours please let this war be over with I'm ready to get the life i never got.


Very short chapter i just wanted you to see them having some family time before the real stuff.

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