Chapter 27

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POV Siana

A mother seeing her child like that I wouldn't wish that on anyone my baby's heart stopped the fear that went through me was like never before I would go abundantly crazy Gino Is my world.

I was pacing back and forth Matteo was pissed on the phone yelling I knew Matteo didn't make that tea for me it looked different when he handed it to me I should've flushed it instead I left it sitting out we're a kid would obviously drink it.

Matteo came over to me looking very upset " did you find him?" I asked  I was going to kill Tony without questioning.

" he left do they have any updates on Gino yet?" he asked looking worried like very he kept rubbing his hands together.

The nurse came out looking sacred " um don and boss he is fine the tea he drunk was drugged it's a drugged we don't really know to much about so I contacted the lab for you I'm just waiting to hear back from them and we had to sedate him-"

" why you said he was fine last time" i told her

" well his behavior was like our don when he was kid Gino was saying threats to the other nurses he even grabbed a needle trying to hurt one of us you can see him but he might be a bit out of it so don't worry we would like to run some tests a kid should't act like that and this isn't his first time your kid is dangerous"

Me and Matteo walked into the room looking at our baby boy he was slumped his eyes not holding the usual light in them I touched his hand he didn't even move Matteo moved his hair out his face Matteo eyes were watery he wiped it before it could even think about falling I never saw him cry I don't think he's ever broke down since his mom.

Me and Matteo sat in the room for hours not getting up we were both working it took a movement out of Gino to take us to put our computers down.

" mama  papa"

" we're here son" Matteo said the nurses came in making us turn around.

" we need to do the test if that's okay"

" right now look at him!" Matteo yelled I grabbed his hand he immediately calmed down letting them do their job we watched as the calm boy before us became so angry like the sap of a finger I knew something was wrong having to do that  his father went through same thing but it was worser that weren't able to get him to calm down.

I pushed past all of them I got behind Gino holding him down he was starting to relax then came the tears I looked at Matteo the tear finally falling his fist was clinched you could see anger In his face he needed to let it out knowing Matteo he would never.

Gino finally went to sleep me and Matteo went in his office both of us trying to see our next move,

" Nino go in tonight kill them all let's start with factory one" Matteo said to on the phone with Nino.

" go ahead help him I will stay here you're dad is ready so is Andre go and kill them " I told him he gave a kiss on the lips before walking out to get ready.

Once they all left I went back to the medical wing the nurse was giving him another dose " what are you doing he's fine right now he doesn't need any more" I told her  grabbing the syringe

She looked lost for words " speak you have no problem giving another does do you but you can't speak"

" let's go outside boss please" we walked out the room I want her to open her mouth and say something.

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