Chapter 23

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POV Siana

Matteo was still overtaken by the video I can see why someone that was family knew his mother was kidnapped and when she was going to die. Matteo had to show his dad. Vin was even more upset wanting to kill Kade as revenge he was happy to hear his son already took care of that problem.

I was at crown point going over some things I've been looking up all of  Blake Business partners Gemma father. Matteo said he wanted them back from were ever the fuck they were so I had to speed things up I set a business meeting with them today I got Leo to hack into their phone pretending to be Blake.

Daniela came to the back booth that has become our spot she set down looking at what I was working on i closed my computer not letting her see.

" sneaky are we?" Danny said while drinking her glass of wine

" i would love for you to see but it's
confidential—" I stopped mid sentence hearing commotion going on outside the lounge all the women got up to see what was going on.

The workers were trying to hold back the cops " you can't come In it's woman only leave!!"

" sorry but no Siana Pérez you are under investigation for the murder of Abigail smith please come with us to the station"

everyone was shocked looking at me out the side of there eye but I kept calm " what you can't do this how do we even know she's dead you only said missing!" Daniela yelled I held her back I looked her in the eyes letting her know it's okay.

" it's fine i have nothing to hide Danny give my work to Clara ok" I walked outside with the cops getting into the back of the car my head was racing I needed to get out of this fast.

When we got to the station they led me inside a room I had no emotion on my face trying to keep cool.

" Mrs.Pérez I'm detective argent and this is my partner detective Pierce is there any thing you would like to confess before we start it's better you speak up now"

" i have nothing to speak up on because i didn't do anything" I told him while crossing my legs the charms on my heals making noise.

" sure we're was you on the day of 
January 12"?

" at crown point" I answered simply

" and after crown point?" Detective urgent questioned

" I went home"

" you drove?"

" yes" I answered

" what happened to your driver we asked some people and you used to have a driver and a guard considering your husband is Matteo Rossi or should I say Pérez"

" I wanted to drive more and my husband gets a bit jealous you know what's that like but seeing you I'm not sure you do" i fired back

"  Mrs. Pérez I'm going to ask you were was you on the night of January 12 this times answer truthfully"

" like i said detective at crown point then I drove myself home what more would you like"

" then why do we have a witness come forward and say they seen you walking in to some old messed up building with Abigail Smith right behind you"

" you don't have anything to prove that stop making up things you're wasting my time" I told him.

He just smiled sliding over a few pictures over I looked at them seeing me going in to the abandoning with Abigail right behind me my mask slipped I didn't know what to say.

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