Chapter 24

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POV: Siana Pérez

I watched as Blake Building got demolished I met the team and they were ready I'm surprised they were willing to work for me considering that I am a women and will be there boss.

" i have good news for you" Clara said handing me a folder I let go of Gino's hand to look into it.

" this her the one that snitched" I asked to clarify

" yep that's her she's also been telling the cops you're every move she is Abigail's close friend"

" well I want to talk to her is there anything on her that we can use against her get her to change what she says"

" I got that covered  already she is getting with Abigail husband how shameless" that's all we needed.

" things just got even better guess who's back" Clara whispered i turned around to see the man I've been waiting to for Blake.

" take Gino i don't him to say anything to my son" I told Clara

" Blake!  you've been on vacation for a while now  welcome back" I told him


" oh you mean your building or should I say mine now it's getting demolished I told you I would take everything from you and make it mine don't worry it's in good hands I'm a great boss"

" do you think this will work I can get it back up and running in no time the guys won't listen to you especially a woman!" He yelled

" you're wrong they listen to me you're a fool if you think there going to trust someone who left them behind almost making your company going into bankruptcy and leaving them to deal with it"

He tried to hit me but the guys blocked him I tilted my head to the side he's lucky it didn't connect very lucky i would've ended his life right here I already ended his career what's one more thing.

" just go home Blake it's over we're done cleaning up your mess Siana has come to save us from you just let them finish" Christian told him

" No you can't do this I'm your boss not her!"

" but you're not I am now your embarrassing yourself go home or you will be removed it's my property you're standing on"

They dragged him away he was literally in tears

" Clara tell Matteo Blake Is back he can do whatever he wants with him I know Gemma is here to let's go talk to our snitch"


I walked inside the restaurant going to the back seeing Laura on her phone I took at seat next to her making her look up she tried to leave.

" what are you doing here I thought—-"

" you thought I was what"

" I'm leaving and I'm telling the cops"

" fucking you're friend husband behind her back low blow think about it all i have to do is tell them then you're under investigation it's motive they will think you killed her because you want what she's has because let's be honest Abigail is better than you"

Laura set back down hearing what i have say
" fine you win what do you want? you can't tell my husband he will kill me for sleeping with someone else"

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