Chapter 7

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POV: Siana Pérez

His family was attractive for sure they all looked Rich I mean they were the diamonds on their Necks was beautiful they got out the car in pairs I knew the the first was Matteo's dad and step mother he looked just like him his step mother was beautiful.

The second Pair was a woman and a man she didn't look like Matteo or his dad that would be the sister I couldn't say about the guy he looked creepy the last one to get out the car was man he looked like there step mother so that must be Matteo's step brother.

Oh gosh Matteo walked over dragging me and Gino.

" you all look lovely I would like you to meet Siana and our baby Gino"

They looked at us shit I was scared it was like a feeling of you wanting to please your partner family that was what I was feeling Matteo just wasn't my partner so no need to be worried.

" nice to meet you I wish it was on better circumstance and not because of what's going on" I said I held my hand out the man having a strong grip

" nice to meet you as well this meeting should've happened years ago but my idiot of son decided no he's a fool"

I smiled listening to his dad rather nice he bent down looking at Gino who was still scared " and nice to me you to Gino I'm your grandpa but you can call me Vincenzo"

" I don't know um how to say that can I call you grandpa V?"

Vincenzo laughed hearing this making Gino laugh with him

" of course you can call me anything you want let's go are we out back son? I'm rather hungry" 

" yes we are"

Gino took Vincenzo hand and went ahead of everyone it was cute.

" nice outfit I'm Naomi"

" nice to meet you and thank you your gorgeous I'm mean every thing about you Is" I'm so fan girl right now

"  Matteo picked a very beautiful woman to have his first child with now let's see if you have a brain to go with it nothing is better than a woman with beauty and brains just something so great about it"

She went inside her son right behind her okay nice I walked back with everybody else the table had tags of names I looked for my name I walked down by Matteo by the head of the table "

I went to take a different seat but Matteo called me out " Siana what are you doing you sit by me as you see Gino is right here as well" did he have to be loud every one was looking his dad having a smile on his face his sister watching me like a hawk.

I went by his side and took the seat right by him Gino across from me smiling

" I want to have good night saying this because might be are last enjoyable night so please be Nice to Siana and my child and don't touch them or I will ruin this night with blood shed now let's eat!" Matteo said

Every one clapped the talk of others dying was normal to them Gino joined in his smile reminding me of joker sometimes.

" what's yours family name?" I asked Matteo quietly

" you know my dad name my step mother to my sister is named Sophia the dick next to her is the boyfriend I don't like him but she's happy so I let it be then you have my step brother Andre"

I hummed as I looked at them her boyfriend was creepy I kept catching him looking me up and down I brushed it off Carts came in the room one came by us the other by Nino and the rest by Matteo's family he was serious when he said they cook in front of him the next cart came but the food was already done they passed those out to his men.

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