Chapter 16

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I'm putting it right here in case you don't want to go back up all the way to characters because she is in there she is now just getting introduced no she was not the woman on the phone just clearing it up now.

POV: Siana Pérez

I drove as fast as possible I didn't care if I got a ticket my best friend was hurt and she needed me I pulled up to the gate it opened i didn't waste anytime getting out the car the lady that was talking to me on the phone rushed me in the house it was dark not a peck of light.

" we're is she?"

" upstairs in her room" she pointed to the room I went there fast I opened the door seeing Daniela her face was swollen blood leaking out of her thigh.

" Daniela....."

" baby that's you?" I smiled at her but it was a sad one i didn't care about my clothes i picked her up taking her to the bathroom I looked at her thigh it was a stab it wound grabbed a lot of towel's trying to stop the bleeding.

" Danny tell me did he do this and don't lie to me"

She shook her head yes tears falling down she hugged me tightly crying on me I hugged her back tears falling out of my eyes I knew the feeling I just wish she didn't.

" um thank you for calling me what's your name?" I asked the middle aged woman that got me here.

" it's—- Rita"

" well thank you Rita do me a favor get me more towels and I mean a lot!"

She nodded her head leaving the room I picked up my phone calling Bella Matteo gave me her number.

" Siana?"

" hi Bella it's a emergency not with Matteo but my friend she needs help now I'm not a doctor i don't know what to do"

" I can't I'm out of town but i have the the perfect person she's in the mafia I will send her to you were are you?"

I told herd we're I was " do me a favor tell no one"

" okay she's on her way now"

I hung up the phone looking down at Daniela who was smiling at me I pushed her hair back she was sweating a lot.

" we're is he?"

" he left out of town"

" we're is the rest of you're people it's no guards"

" it's only men Rita is the only woman she takes care of me Petro—- doesn't like anyone in the house that doesn't know he abuses me"

" how long has this been going on?"

" since kids i hate him Siana I hate him so much i don't love him I never have I begged and begged my parents to not make me marry him he's a monster!"

I held her tight as she cried again I knew it was something up when she told me how long they been together and her coming to Crown point hurt was his doing.

I looked up seeing Rita and a woman with short hair and slim she was very tall she knelt down by Daniela examining her.

" I'm Josephine Morgan she's losing a lot of blood we need to get her somewhere I can operate"

" Rita do you guys have a nurse wing!" I asked her

" no he makes sure there isn't one"

" then I'm going to have to do it right here I'm going to need both of you"

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