Chapter 6

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POV: Siana Pérez

I woke up confused i remember I fell asleep when Gino picked a fifth movie I looked to the side Gino not there I got out the bed fast " GINO!"
I'm going to kill that boy.

" in here mama"

I'm an idiot why not think about the bathroom
" I'm sorry for yelling it's just i wake up before you um how did I get upstairs?" he started giggling I narrowed my eyes at him making him stop.

" Matteo did you were so cute and he said he doesn't want to wake you up so he carried you up to the room and stayed till I fell asleep" I rather him just wake me up I pushed my little one out the bathroom and did the whole routine.

" Mama Nino is at the door!"

I came out the bathroom and opened the door

" what do you need?"

" Matteo wants to see you in his office Now "

" what's with your Don ordering me around how about he umm come's ..."

" what here imagine how that sounds I want to see you in my bedroom now"

Okay he's right that would sound weird " fine I got it Gino is coming with me move"

" hold up is that his clothes"

" No"

" yes"

" mind your fucking business Nino and Gino don't you dare repeat it!"

Gino shut his mouth I know my son I walked to the office Nino behind me I opened his office door not caring for knocking since he thinks he can order me " it's a thing called Knocking Siana"

" I don't care what do you want aww is that breakfast for Gino so cute"

" No it's for you Gino is eating with Nino today we have business to handle"

Gino was very happy with this Nino came in and took Gino hand " tell mommy bye bye demon child" I took the pin off of Matteo desk and threw it at Nino " stop calling my son that" they left closing the door behind them leaving me alone with him.

I took a seat a cross from him he slid the plate of food to me it had cut up mangoes and French toast with a heart on top.

" I got you coffee but I know everyone doesn't like it so I also got tea for you chose or you can have both" I looked at him as he slid over the coffee and tea.

"I'm not hungry thank you though you should eat it yourself" I slid the plate back over to him

" you haven't really eaten anything since you've been here eat i noticed you eat in small portions that's not good like yesterday you only had three pieces of fruit "

he wasn't asking more like demanding

" no " I wasn't going to give in...

" eat or I swear to god I will force feed you myself"

" please your bluffing" yep not going to give in who does he thinks he is.


He wasn't bluffing he was sitting by me feeding me it was good food and mangoes was my favorite fruit and the tea was delicious not bad at all.

" open" he demanded his voice deep

I Opened my mouth not wanting to go back and forth he was looking at his computer not batting an eye while feeding me " who made the tea it's rather delicious"

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