Chapter 14

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POV: Siana Pérez

Tonight was the main event the Colombo all black ball limos lined up outside security with guns coming to windows checking each invitation making sure we were supposed to be here and didn't have any weapons it was all mafia Ranks in attendance.

I was ready more than ever my dress fit perfectly my makeup dark Matteo suit fit him like a glove he wore the suit with power our limo was getting closer to the gate we're they check you in Tony driving us Clara was by the gate checking cars it was a excellent plan.

Clara played liked the security she would be checking our car of course me and Matteo had weapons on us so who better to get us in without a problem than are own my blade was in hair it played like a hair piece you wouldn't even know it's a blade my gun underneath my dress.

Our car was moving we looked at each other nodding our head we knew what needed to be done tonight was not just for me to act as if I cared for Daniela but Matteo as well she hasn't seen him and we're not really married we argue cures at each other sometimes through insults at each other but that's just us now I don't think that's going to change.

Clara came up to the car with a gun telling us to roll down are window Tony popping his head out looking at Clara his friendly face gone we had a mission to execute no mistakes should be made tonight.

" we're doing a check step out the car"

Tony got out the car coming around to open the door for us Matteo not letting my hand go Clara checked me than Matteo missing over his gun on purpose she nodded her head at the guards in front of us telling them we're clear.

" enjoy the ball you're driver can park the limo over there you two can walk in enjoy"

Clara bowed moving on to the next car me and Matteo walked in Daniela went all out with this venue it was fire breathers at the front door passing out glasses of champagne Matteo took a glass just for him knowing I didn't drink.

" Che schifo"

" what does that mean?" I asked him not knowing Italian

" How disgusting it's cheap you know me I like my things rich"

Of course he did look how he lived I felt he only bought things that is over a million maybe sometimes thousands if he's feeling a little cheap hah who am I kidding he never feels cheap.

This was the first ever ball I been to and it was exquisite nothing like the shows on tv even better everything was just so beautiful to the music to the food and the outfits.

" All eyes are on you Tesoro"

I looked around Matteo was right all eyes were on me looking at my dress I could hear the whispers about how beautiful my dress was.

" they like my dress" I whispered to Matteo as we continued walking.

" yeah but I like the woman in the dress more you make the dress the dress isn't making you it's a difference Tesoro"

I smiled hearing this i noticed Daniela coming up to us with a smile on her face her dress gorgeous.

" holy shit I see why you married this one baby don't tell anyone I said this but Petro could learn to be in the gym more like yours"

I laughed at Daniela we gave each other kisses on the cheek.

" everyone wants him don't they to bad for them he's mine you guys did a good job it looks amazing I'm sorry it took us a little long the line outside was crazy"

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