Chapter 3

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POV: Siana Pérez

I brought a life into this world with no help I barely had hope I wanted to give up I was depressed I did anything for money but i had to do right for my kid I cried every night Gino went to sleep crying was letting out the traumatic things that happened in my life that is still happening.

And I'm just letting them in by going to see the man it's self I don't want him in my child's life anymore he's has people wanting to get at him and using us a pawns i can't have that as a mom my child is in danger every day sleeping in the streets of Italy, now add this my only wish is when Gino grows up he doesn't hate me.

I would truly have nothing to live for anymore if my son hates me what would be the point of holding on to a life like this my child love is all I want " you seem to be thinking deeply"

My biggest fear is Gino grows up and hates me for my mistakes that's my only fear.

I looked at Nino who was in the driver seat we've been driving for sometime it was now light outside

" Is  something wrong don't tell me you are scared you begged years ago you should be happy now"

" Nothing Is wrong with me I was nineteen and had no help and Gino is my first child so begging for help wasn't wrong in my eyes I have every right to be scared after what happened so do me a favor and shut up and drive"

I didn't like what he said if he was in my position he would've did the fucking same.

Nino rolled his eyes noise broke my attention I look down at the child in the front seat with me i didn't want him in the back he was laying on my chest he's always had since he was born I kissed his head looking down at him fondly i can't believe I made him with whatever his name is.

I looked out the window we were driving up the longest path I rolled the window down I needed fresh air you can see drones flying around.

" why do you have drones flying around?"

" you never know who likes to come with out announcement and just incase enemies try to kill are don the drones are programmed to kill automatically"

I hummed listening to Nino " soo is this just a regular thing for you? people trying to kill you"

we pulled up to a gate two men with guns came to look in the window I tighten my grip around Gino.

" Consigliere" I was confused what did they mean the gates opened Nino pulled up to the front door woman were standing outside with white gloves and black uniforms.

" what's with the white gloves and the all black uniforms? it looks ridiculous"

" hah you're telling me i think the same but unfortunately Sophia gets her away"

I got out the car  with a sleeping child on my chest they were all looking at me I looked a mess dried blood on me and my hands my clothes not the best and Gino as well they bowed when we walked up the path I doubt they are doing that for me.

They held the door open the house was beautiful I expected nothing less although it could use some color and those old photos taken down.

" Sylvia will guide you to your room get cleaned up and the devil on your chest and come back down so we can get this over and yes before you ask he will be here"

I listened to Nino the woman named Sylvia led me upstairs her ponytail tight she walked with confidence nothing was out of place with her I looked up to see many floors this must be the second she stopped by a door and turned to look at me looking me up and down like she would rather not look at me i rather not look at myself to with the way I am right now.

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