Chapter 28

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POV Siana

Gino has been progressing bit by bit not the biggest but it's something  he can't run or play to hard he's been very quiet though he's only been on the piano and taking walks on his horse blue that's the only thing he does we put him on medication to control his anger issues and a lot of other things he has.

The medication made him really tired every time he took it he was sleepy and when he wasn't on it there was little things that set him off he would get violent and say things and just not act right he almost hurt one of the maids one day so we made very clear instructions to stay away from him when he's not on it.

The weeks that have past have been hard I've been going back and forth from here to the company that's looking great and almost ready.

I walked into this store with Clara looking for more paint it was for the company I went right to the back of the store picking up paints.

" hey you look familiar Siana right?" I heard someone say from behind me i turned around my heart dropping I let the paint can fall from my hands.

" what's wrong baby you've been looking for me sadly someone found me before you"

" Aaron why are you here" I asked him

" you've been looking for me haven't you so I showed up why put you though all that trouble" He pulled out a gun on me.

" I'm not scared" I told him

" oh i know a big boss told me you've been dealing big now you're not scared of a gun to your face not the Siana I know but don't worry you're still weak look behind you" I did what he said to see four guns pointing at Clara's head.

" what do you want" I asked

" ahhh there it is that will always be your weakness trying to save the ones you love me on the hand i just stopped caring if i don't love you no weakness come on and you're friend won't have four Bullets through her head"

he dragged me into a back room who I saw sitting was a surprise Petro himself in the flesh.

" oh okay so this is the big boss funny" I said chuckling

" and why is it so funny never mind don't answer that what's funny is thinking Matteo can come and kill everybody in my establishment and not pay for it i let Blake slide because he was useless but this killing my men and women I wouldn't take—-l "

I cut him off " you're sick you know that trying to kill my child he's just a child so you deserve everything coming and you Aaron deserve so much more" Aaron just laughed in my face making me angry how can he can he just laugh.

" you're still not over that I mean what did you expect looking so sexy especially with that pregnant belly you were begging for it"

" I WAS BEGGING TO BE RAPPED! How dare you so fucking disgusting then you let your men touch me so no I will never be over that you took something from me that I can never get back ever!"

" at least it wasn't your virginity would've hurt much much worse be grateful  anyway you have a choice to make I'm done with the chitchat" Petro said butting in.

" fuck you and your choice" I told him

" why you make everyone else decide unhappy choices when will it be your turn choice one i have a man up there with a gun so many innocent people you can choose to save those sweet innocent people or let them all die and i mean all

Choice two you can save Clara here from getting shot in the head  and dying but that would mean you chose option one or you could just save them and let Clara die no biggie" Petro said

I looked over at Clara who eyes were all ready set on me she nodded her head I knew what it meant but i couldn't.

" no what if i don't choose either"

" then Clara dies and so does the people it's not away out of this so pick!"

" say me Siana it's okay I'm not scared anymore my mom is in such a better place now thanks to you let them kill me not the people up there just no I'm not upset at you okay" Clara said with a single tear rolling down her cheek but she had a genuine smile on her face.

I turned my head back to Petro who was grinning " I chose option two saving her " as soon as the words left my mouth all I heard was screams and gun sounds I wanted to cover my ears  but Aaron had a tight grip on my wrist.

" you hear that Siana all those screams you caused I hope your happy with your choice but also you like to take family members life's right so why not take one of yours" my face turned cold hearing that he rolled over a ring I knew it was my mother.

" she put up a hard fight but i didn't even kill her Aaron did that for me"

I tried my hardest to keep the tears in yeah she was a bad mother but at the end of the day that was still the woman that gave me life and seeing the ring on the floor in blood hurt me even if i didn't want it to it broke something inside of me i didn't know i felt for my mother.

My mama was gone she was dead Aaron let me go I picked up the ring holding it  tightly " by the way she left this for you" Aaron said handing me a bloody letter.

Dear Siana

This is your mama I'm finally leaving you my child so you can be at peace I know what I've done was horrible I was bad mother to you and I can admit to it I don't want to die making excuses. 

I'm sorry for everything I've done to you causing trauma letting your father hit you i knew from the moment we found out you would be the best mother this is my time  A mother mistakes will always hunt me don't let them do the same to you.

I wish I done right by you but I know you what type of mother you are I seen first hand how you would've killed your father for hitting you while you were pregnant so kill those fuckers for ever thinking they can hurt your child do what i could never do remember mommy always love you.

I love you to mommy.

I wiped the tears that threaten to fall she didn't deserve my tears or even sympathy but she was my mama I put the letter away I looked at Aaron with hate In my eyes they would get what's coming.

" now you know how Gemma feels you know how I felt when you killed my bother you should probably call the cops I heard it's a lot of dead bodies up front" Aaron, said my attention back to him they all left leaving me and Clara.

As soon as they we're gone we hugged each other tightly i pulled her with me to the front blood every where Clara Gagged I kept going this was peaceful to me i looked for gasoline Clara caught on we poured everywhere and on everyone.

I threw my lighter once we were outside the store went up in flames Clare pulled me away  forcing me to get in the car i could hear sirens but i couldn't move.

" SIANA!" I blinked away my thoughts and got in the car Clara pulling off the fire department drove past us along with so many cops we were kind of close by one of Andre houses.

" stop the car"

" are you crazy we can't stop"

" Clara stop the car" I told her my voice holding no emotion she pulled over huffing I got out the car leaving my phone and purse i could hear her yelling after me but I couldn't stop what I was going to do.

I made it in the going to the bathroom filling the tub up with cold water I locked the door pushing things in front of it so it wouldn't open. I took off my shoes and clothes only leaving on my bra and underwear.

I took pills and got in to the tub submerging my body i felt good my body shutting down one part of me wants to come up for air the other half knows I deserve this and it's wining I closed my eyes feeling my entire body still I can be at peace with my mother.

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