Chapter 26

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POV Siana

" Are you positive that if she doesn't accept you can kill her without a thought? I will do it for you" Clare asked me as we were watching crown point.

" I'm sure" I lied I just couldn't pull the trigger on Danny the woman I have come to love calling my best friend and more i can't take her life maybe if she was different in the beginning this decision wouldn't be so hard.

I walked into crown point I heard popping noises

" Surprise!" All the girls yelled Danny came up to me giving me a tight hug i hugged her back with a genuine smile.

" I'm so glad you're back it's been hell with out you I'm glad they dropped the charges come on it's time to celebrate they have a party room" she said while dragging me off I pulled her back from the rest.

" Danny we need to talk let's go to the locker room" she nodded her head seeing I'm being serious.

Once we we're inside I locked the door " okay what's going on you look so worried talking to me S" she said while rubbing my arm

" you're going to hate me after this but I killed Abigail and I came to crown point to try and get you to like me so i can kill you I'm not even Married to Matteo and his last name is Rossi us and Petro are at war he took a hit at me and my kid a few months ago that's the only reason I'm doing this but after I learned  what he did to Matteo's mom it made want to kill him more I'm so sorry for not telling—-"

she put her hand up stopping me the tears in her eyes rolling down her face the look on her face was betrayal.

" do you even hear what's coming out of your mouth Siana you were never there for me just faking that night and at the ball that was you wasn't it I told you my husband is abusing me I never told nobody that I trusted you but for you to use me in your sick little game Huh!"

" no not if you're on our side i don't want to and I've come to see the real you we've become best friends you have to believe me"

" believe you really hah that's a funny word coming out of your mouth and we're not besties anymore I'm not sure we ever was to you i know you were mine the girl who i wanted to be with every day but just to know it was all a lie"

" we can still be Danny please" i begged her

" no but hey don't worry I'm on your side just kill my husband for me at least do that I won't open my mouth oh and thanks I guess for killing Abigail have fun at your party Siana I hope to never see you again and to think I was going to tell you I'm pregnant today and it's not Petros" she left after that.

What! I looked after her she had to know I couldn't with hold the truth any longer and she's pregnant i won't be in the baby's life or hers I walked out the locker room leaving crown point those ladies didn't need a reason to party I saw Matteo standing with his arms open I walked right into him letting the tears fall.

" i know let it out let's go home our son is waiting for us" he said he opened the car door putting me in and driving off.

I was in the tub and Matteo kneeling on the outside braiding my hair Gino was sitting on the counter talking away it was like are own little family time it was nice especially considering what just happened a few hours ago.

" mama papa" we looked at Gino who was looking nervous now

" what's wrong spill it out" Matteo said to him

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