Chapter 33

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POV Siana Rossi

I was sleeping good till I started to smell something I opened my eyes it was still dark outside I took a sniff again it smelled like fire I know I wasn't going crazy I woke Matteo up he wasn't hard to wake up.

" what's wrong?" He asked groggily

" you smell that get up now!" I said panicking i put on some pjs before grabbing my gun Matteo slid on some shorts before we left out the room and I was right it was flames everywhere Nino looked at us I knew it was to good to be true I was happy and so he was back.

" get everyone out now!" Matteo yelled going into don mode

" I'm going to get Gino" I said rushing off not even caring about anything else I covered my nose the fire was spreading everywhere it wouldn't be long before this house is gone I checked everywhere and I couldn't find him I couldn't find my son!

" GINO! BABY WERE ARE YOU!" I yelled out I couldn't see really this smoke was taking over I can't leave without him I will bleed for my son he is my world not my mistake.

" GINO !" I yelled out again still no response it was nothing left un checked I knew if i didn't leave this house right now I will die I won't die not without knowing my son is safe.

" Siana we have to leave!" Matteo said coming up from behind me I pulled away from him I can't I just can't.

" SIANA he's not here baby we will get our son let's go!" He picked me up before taking us out the house just in time it blew up into pieces I fell to my knees I rocked back and forth on my heels my baby my Gino.

" boss Don look at this" Clara said coming up to us I looked up as she handed us a shirt that was Gino and it was bloody no no please no don't do this to me please she gave us a letter me and Matteo both read it.

Drear Siana and Matteo i have your child come and get him this war ends I told you at your happiest I'm coming oh and you're child is bleeding a lot he will be dead before you can even find out we're he is.

The scream I let out was loud but i wasn't sad no i was letting out a cry for my child I only felt like this and that's when I took my first life to protect my unborn child I was feeling a mothers rage and Petro will know what that feels like taking my child big big mistake now I'm out for blood.

" look at me" Matteo said taking my face in his hands I knew what he was like his eyes were dead he was feeling what I was just as a father he brought our heads together as he looked me in the eye.

" we're going to slaughter them so now I need you to be strong for me and Gino I need you to unlock the Siana that they should fear turn it off" he said lowly I felt the tears stop I felt everything just stop my eyes had no more light they took my son away what light did i have.

I nodded my head before standing up they already had the vans ready the family was safe Clara handed me my safe we're the information about Gemma was I couldn't speak i didn't want to think we came to a stop i got out taking the clothes that Clara gave me I went inside the warehouse getting changed.

I put on the black pants and the black long sleeve shirt before putting on my boots I tied my hair back in a ponytail I went over the weapons taking what i needed a few bombs to I looked around everyone getting suited up they knew what Time it was.

" let's go" I told everyone once we were ready everyone loves to play me because they think I'm not like Matteo or because I'm a woman well I'm worse and he knows that.

We hugged goodbye because this might be our last time seeing each other alive Sophia hugged her bothers the tightest I ever seen she was going with Vincenzo and Naomi to fight Nino was coming with me and Matteo and Andre was leading the rest of guards.

We got in separate cars my leg never stopped bouncing I wanted to kill that's all just kill no mercy ever they wouldn't receive the kindness of my heart no they got the Siana who's emotions  are off.

Me Nino and Matteo got out Petro had different houses we searched and killed leaving no one alive I pushed the blade into a woman's neck as she was trying to fight me off I pulled out going to the man next I moved back as he was shooting I took one look before throwing my blade it went right into his forehead I moved from around the corner I looked at him before pushing it deeper into his skull.

I moved to the next room it was just a teenager who was on his knees begging to bad " how old are you?" I asked him

" eighteen please don't..."

" you're of age" i said before I pulled the trigger the bullet going between his eyes i didn't care I walked out going to next people in this house i could hear the screams from the others I knew it was Matteo and Nino,  Matteo was literally taking off body parts quick Nino had heads decapitated.

I went downstairs to the basement it was a man with a gun pointing at me I walked towards him not scared I was going to rip his throat out but he started talking.

" WAIT! I know we're your son is well I know Tony does one call and he will take you to them"

" call him right now" I said he pulled out his phone i didn't trust him I took it myself and called Tony.

" hello I told you not to call me"

" we're is my son come get me and take me to him" i said to him it was quite he was surprised to hear me.

" you come alone to the drop off my guy will take you I will be waiting and don't think about leaving any trail" he said hanging up the guy went back upstairs making his way out the house quietly when he wasn't looking I took off the ring Matteo gave me when we were faked in engage and dropped it they would know.

" the car is over there" he pointed out I went to the beat up car preparing myself for what I know is going to happen to me I made a line with my foot without him looking before closing the door he pulled off he didn't even take my things I know it will be by Tony.

After an hour just driving we were in the middle of nowhere I saw Tony standing next to a van and  Security Guards with him I pulled out my gun shooting the guy next to me his head felled onto the window we're his blood is.

Before getting out I put the bomb in my boot and my phone in my hair I got out with my hands up I took a deep breath as I walked.

" Siana Rossi about time!" Tony yelled  the guards grabbed me roughly as Tony checked me he took my guns I was just praying he didn't find the phone and the bomb.

" she's clear" he told them that was all before a clothed was put on my mouth I knew it was supposed to knock me unconscious but Vincenzo prepared me for this I faked like my eyes were dropping I made myself go limp i felt them throwing me in a truck once the car started I opened my eyes I tried to not make noise as I kicked the headlight out it worked I kept an eye out for everything.

I drew how far we were going with my finger tip on the dirt it was for Matteo so he could find us I'm still holding hope that my child is alive he has to be I closed my eyes  I was going to need rest so I was getting it now.

Gino mama is coming.


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