Chapter 37

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POV: Matteo Rossi

Life must've of really hated me the moment I saw my son and Siana I knew with the way she looked she didn't have long but I couldn't let her die i just couldn't so I did the best i could holding two people seeing my mother was like joy i just couldn't express it but as soon as we crossed that lake and m-my sister started running towards our mother it was just.

She was dead my sister was dead then Siana closed her eyes it was all to much the blood just wasn't stopping it was to much.

I was holding in tears i didn't like to cry I held my son as he was crying his heart out In my arms.

" p-papa s-she's gone" he cried out for his mother he hasn't stopped since we got back Josephine and her team tried there hardest we were in the hospital yes Josephine had a secret hospital.

She told us Siana was in coma and she wasn't really going to survive it would be a Miracle if she was to survive I wasn't pulling that plug i don't care i needed her and so did our son I kissed his head as I rocked him back and forth I just wanted to cry but I couldn't my sister was dead.

My father couldn't even be happy to see our mother because Sofia was just killed in front of us it happened so quick so we didn't see it coming he was out in the hallway with mom as they cried for there daughter.

Nino was shot he was in another room sleeping Naomi and Andre was with Nino so he wouldn't be alone I felt horrible Petro was still out there he got away but Tony Gemma and Aaron were dead all due to Siana when I found Gemma she wasn't even recognizable her brains were splattered all over.

I made sure Gino was checked out I knew he was hurting i didn't want any one taking my son right now I felt he was only safe with me and Siana even if she couldn't see us we set in her room looking at her all these tubes were hooked up to her.

"Son?" I hear I looked away from Siana to the door seeing my mother who wiped her tears she came inside the room i still couldn't believe it she was alive this whole time we had a funeral for her of course without the body Petro kept her but I saw her die in front of my eyes so seeing her in real time was a lot.

She just lost a kid just to get stuck with the bad one she had took a shower and everything she looked more healthy her hair was cut short into a bob and her hair was brown just like S-Sofia they always looked alike and I was like my dad she came over to me and Gino she was sad for us Siana was our everything  she was mine.

" you need to wash the blood off you and Gino get some food and things" she said as she placed her tattooed hand on my shoulder it was the same tattoo we all had.

" I'll do that for Gino but i can't I need to be with her anything can especially cause that B-bit-
Petro is out there" i said not wanting to cuss in front of my son .

" baby it is okay to get out of this blood you have others but especially hers all over you it's no good to sit in this" she was right Siana was bleeding out in my hand this blood should still be inside her.

" no mom"

" Gino go outside with grandpa he will get you together once I'm done with your dad me and him can cook for you and everyone else" she was still the same person. Gino slid down from my lap not before giving me a kiss on the cheek I returned it I made sure he went with my dad I can't lose him again I killed so much for him the thought of my son dead was a nightmare.

" let it out" she whispered as she hugged my head

" i don't know what you're talking about" I lied

" you will feel so much better just let go baby"

" n-no i struggled i can't no

" listen it is only me and Siana who would have gotten this out of you"

" BUT SHE CANT! Because s-she m-might die mama" that was all it took before the tears slipped and it wasn't stopping I cried in my mother arms.

I cried for my sister I cried for everything that has happened years back I cried from the regret I had from not being there to help my son I cried from all the anger when Petro took my mother I cried because she was back but mostly I cried for the one person who I loved with everything in me I cried for the fact that Siana will not awake we can never be happy I cried for the love of my life and it felt good I let it out.

I let it all out in front of the two women who is everything to me I just cried and cried for what felt like hours.

" i know it hurts" mom said

" I - I can't lose her" I said more to myself

" and you won't go take a shower come help your mother then" she said as she pulled me up and away from Siana.

After I took a shower and changed into a different outfit I cooked with my mom for everyone I fed Gino as we set in the room with Siana Josephine said she could hear us i didn't think it was really true but I encouraged Gino to talk to his mama.

He was talking like never before it was sweet but i would talk to her when he was asleep after hours and Gino just talking to Siana he went to sleep it was a couch inside I read Gino a bed time story i had to pretend like I was asleep that was the only way to get him to sleep.

I moved slowly to not wake him up I pulled out a chair next to Siana i grabbed her hand delicately a tear slipped down my face she was just so ahhh her face was bruised up she was shot in her stomach and her leg  she didn't deserve this.

" I- I miss you so much Siana you're so strong i want you to know I'm not mad at you for running off to go and get our baby if it was me standing there I would've done the same I just wish I could've caught them now he's still out there but none of that matters right now I just need you to survive for not just me and Gino but yourself"

I took a deep breather feeling another break down coming " can you survive for yourself Baby?" I asked her knowing I'm not going to get a response.

I was surprised as I stared and watched her hand squeeze mine twice she really can hear me I wanted her to do something else but that was it not another squeeze or anything I cried again she could hear me she could wake up.

I only stopped when I heard the door opening I looked up to see Nino in crushes he looked at Siana than to me.

" they found Petro"


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