Chapter 5

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POV: Siana Pérez

I felt better after going to sleep in a actual bed I left Gino in bed and went to get ready.

" Gino baby wake up"

I shook him gently not wanting scare him out his sleep he raised his arms and opened his eyes right away this boy sure knows how to play sleep we would definitely need to go shopping the clothes are not bad but we need something that fits but I understand we were a unexpected surprise  I held Gino's hand as we walked downstairs it smelt delicious Gino let go of my hand and ran off.

" GINO stop before you hurt yourself!"

A loud crash was heard in the house I ran to the sound Gino looking very guilty glass was on the floor i pulled him away not wanting him to cut his self I checked him out just in case.


" what did you just say?"

I asked Sylvia my face scrunched up a little i didn't know Italian but I know for sure she didn't say anything nice and I'm really getting tired of her.

" look he's sorry he shouldn't be ruining anyway if you want help I will pick it up but don't be a coward and say something in a different language we're I don't know what you're saying you could be saying anything about my child and I won't stand for that"

I called her a coward because that's how she's chosen to act say it in English if you're going to talk shit about me or my son she's acting like she's head bitch around here and trust she is far from it.

" Miss. Sylvia. I should't have been running my mama is right I will help clean it up it's just the food smelled so good that I wanted to see what is was I didn't mean to knock into you I'm sorry"

Gino bent down to pick it up but I pulled him back up he will not touch glass " you see miss. Sylvia he's sorry but i know you said something about my son next time say it in English so I know" her face scrunched up

" what's going on here?"

We both turned around to see Nino he looked back up at the glass then us " Gino was running when he should't have been and ran into Sylvia here but it's all fine now I will clean it"

" Sylvia Matteo wants you in the dining room to serve breakfast Siana when you're finished with the glass come to the dining room don will like to eat breakfast with you both and have a talk do you mind if I take Gino to Matteo?"

Sylvia smiled hearing that she was wanted by her precious don he could go fuck his self.

I looked down at Gino who was giving me puppy dog eyes dammit for him having my eyes " fine don't run or you will be in trouble and the eyes won't work next time" he shook his head yes and ran to Nino and took his hand Nino was surprised but still took him to the dining hall.

Sylvia gone now I got to work cleaning up every speck of glass I didn't know we're the dinning room was the house is big it had a lot of floors that i couldn't even count so I asked a maid to take me there i could tell they didn't like me i don't know if it was jealousy but if it is about Matteo they can have him he's not for me and never will be.

I walked inside the dining room Gino talking to Matteo Sylvia pouring his drink Nino on his phone with his legs up on the table I moved his feet off of the table and took a seat by him he looked up from his phone seeing me.

" it's so many seats in here why me?"  

" hmm let me think because you're the only that's not giving me a look that says i fucking hate you" I told Nino

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