Chapter 4

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POV: Siana Pérez

Sylvia came and got me and Gino leading us to the terrace her face held little emotion every time she looked at Gino i didn't like it she held the door open as we stepped out It's to beautiful to be plane it was so many dishes Gino is having a field day Mr. He doesn't look like me wasn't here yet.

" the don is on his way you may sit" Sylvia said I was going to sit down weather he was here or not he's not my boss I put Gino in the seat next to me he picked up a slice of pizza taking a bit from it humping Sylvia hands were clenching what is her deal.

He's a kid that doesn't eat a lot and not the best who cares if he eats when the don isn't here she needs to fix her face and get it off my child the terrace door opened and Matteo came out with a new suit then when I saw him Sylvia went to get his chair is this fucking for real.

" sorry for being late a little spill got on my suit I wanted to change"

" you can't take a little spill Matteo?"

" no not when my suites cost millions of dollars Siana" please I rolled my eyes what i give to be rich probably to kill Matteo.

He brought his eyes to Gino he held out his hand Gino took his hand.

" I'm Gino Pérez"

" Nice to meet you Gino do you know who I am?"

" yea your not very nice " I watched them seeing how they would interact

" I'm not a nice person but I hope i can change your view of me "

" why do they call you don?"

Gino asked I wanted to know that to we both looked up at the same time wanting his response

" well good question they call me that because I'm there boss and there my employees so it's respect I make all decisions and everything goes through me I'm the head of the family or you can just take it as me being the leader but you both can call me my first name Matteo or whatever you choose is fine with me."

I actually took a second to look at him he had a very sleek look about him you could tell the suit cost money and the watch fit him perfectly not all black but instead the diamonds sparkling he had a pin on his tie the letter R what was so important about the letter R.

I noticed his men had it tattooed it was in a playing card Matteo has his on his hand his black hair nothing out of place his posture perfect his build was large like a giant teddy bear with muscles but not soft like hard he had a little facial, hair but not long and to much i didn't like those his eyes held something I couldn't really describe, it just wasn't emotion behind them only I saw a little earlier,

himself looked like he meant business.

" Mama, Mama are you ok you haven't touched your food"

I blinked realizing I zoned out Matteo looking me right in the eye not even blinking his black eyes were something " I'm fine I just lost my train of thought but I'm listening"

I told Gino rubbing his hair i started eating my food but small portions that's just I've been use to for so long it's hard to get out of it.

" So Gino how old are you?" Matteo asked Gino looked at me to make sure it's all right

" it's fine baby don't hold back because of me you have a chance to get to know your dad connect with him"  he shook his head smiling at me.

" I'm two"

" really how was your birthday did you get everything you wished hmm?"

I stopped eating looking at what he would say "I did and I'm thankful nothing will even compare to it" Gino turned to look at me smiling i let them get to know each other we will need to have a real adult chat later and not smiles and rainbows like the one now.

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