Chapter 29

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POV: Matteo Rossi

Only three things have made me scared one finding out my mother was kidnapped two seeing my son having a seizure and three is right now trying to save the love of my life.

Getting that call from Clara saying she heard water running and she couldn't get the door open I moved like fire Nino was here with me it was something blocking the door.

I kicked the door over and over finally getting it open I rushed in pulling Siana out the tube she wasn't breathing at all i pumped her heart still not getting any response.

I looked at counter seeing the empty pill bottle fuck Siana I opened her mouth putting my fingers down her throat she started to choke throwing up spilling out i made sure all of it was out most of it was on my clothes or hands but i didn't even care this time.

I checked her pulse it was getting slow and she didn't have time I couldn't lose her to I took off my jacket and wrapped her in it picking her up Clara and Nino moved fast we got in my car it was faster.

I got in the car with Siana on my lap as Nino drove Clara was on the phone with Josephine yelling to get ready to work on Siana good thing she was already at the house with Gino.

I couldn't take my eyes off her she had to stay alive her heart beat was getting slower and slower we were out side the house I got out Josephine and other nurses took her away from me willing her inside.

Leaving me here covered in throw up I wanted to go back and check on Gino but Nino forced me to shower first I took a shower then went to Gino his eyes held fear you could hear all the screaming coming from the operating room trying to save his mother.

" will mama be okay" Gino asked trying to get out of bed I pushed him back gently.

" mama will be okay let's play the piano" Gino nodded his head beginning to play a new song he learned by himself truth was I didn't know if she would be okay she attempted suicide.

It's just been me and Gino we've been playing the piano and I was teaching him Italian it was away to pass the time my dad and Naomi were here Andre went to clean up the house but was back now he walked into the room handing me a paper and a ring I was confused seeing the blood.

" this might have something to do with it read the letter" Andre said Naomi and my dad looked confused I opened the letter reading it her mother was dead and I knew it was Petro doing.

He didn't kill her no that would have to much dirt on his hands someone else did because he wouldn't even let you write a letter he would just kill but I know he gave the order.

Siana might've not been close with her family but at the end of the day that was her mother who I know she loved even if she didn't say it she loved her mother a lot.

I told the family in Italian not wanting Gino to know it was his grandmother he probably was never going to meet her but still.

Naomi eyes held sorrows for Siana everyone knew that they had a mother and daughter bond Naomi couldn't have a girl so Siana was like the closest she ever got to one so she was hurting for her child even if Siana was not biologically hers she was still hers.

Josephine came in blood on her coat we all looked at her waiting for her to speak.

" she's okay we had to stabilize her and do other things but she is up and asked for Gino that's the only person she wanted to see" i could tell she was sugarcoating the issues because Gino was in the Room.

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