Chapter 20

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POV: Siana Pérez

Do you ever get the feeling like something is going to happen like something really bad that's the feeling I was getting right now me Gino and Daniela were in the limo on are way to the derby race.

Gino was a little nervous meeting Daniela but he got used to her being so well how could I put it her I guess you could say they were talking about god knows what it was cute seeing them together Daniela was so excited she played in Gino's hair she learned very quickly that he didn't like that.

Clara was behind us with Nino and Josephine Matteo was getting ready for his meeting I just wasn't  sure but I have to stay positive we came to a stop Gino looked out the window seeing all the horses.

" wow mommy! Look at all those horses cool"

" it is very cool" I grabbed his hand getting out the limo Daniela beside me smiling.

" thank you for letting me get the opportunity really it feels good to get away"

" he hasn't hit you right you look fine but I know the power of makeup" I asked her quietly while walking Gino eyes wondering everywhere.

" no I promise he hasn't just yelling here in there but no hitting i can take some yelling let's have some fun let that fuck fight his war and lose"

She pulled us to our seats Clara was above us looking just like me I had on a large hat so you wouldn't see my face she nodded her head we knew the rat was here I felt it was Tony and when we catch him it will be gold.

POV: Matteo Rossi

Things needed to go perfect and we already know one rat is Kade and the other one is in my business I was at a old warehouse we're I hold all my illegal meetings I didn't really need to call it but this will have kade be caught off guard maybe even get the others to see what Kade is without me actually saying.

The men all started walking in confused why I called this Kade was pissed off just like I wanted it would look weird if he didn't show.

" gentleman I know you're all wondering why I called this take a seat as you know Petro is back and trying to find out my new rout if he finds it that means less drugs for you along with money we can't have that so I want to ensure that we won't be touched I'm getting rather sick of your guys not doing what the fuck Is supposed to be done what am I even supplying you for"

it was true we were doing our part and they weren't doing theirs not very fair is it and i don't like that.

" woah Matteo does that mean you're going to stop supplying you know you have the best your family always has we can't go to anyone else's what do you need I will give it" Alex said he was my favorite always ready to fix the problem my family has been supplying the best drugs since back in the day when my great great grandfather was don we are unbeatable.

" No fuck that Alex listen Matteo maybe the problem is your route picking they wouldn't find us if you picked a good one!" Kade said I scoffed at that please our route is good but he just keeps tipping them off when he saw my face he fixed his tone he knows not to show out.

" Kade you know and I know Nino and i picks the best routes not even feds are able to find it the Colombo's have never got to our shipments till now I wonder why and you're men is the most lacking just like there pussy of a don" I called him out not afraid i would kill him in a second with just my bare hands and eat his bones as dinner and he knew that he would've put his hands on me now if it was someone else.

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