Chapter 30

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POV Matteo

I walked downstairs my emotions completely switching off I rubbed my gloved hands together already feeling anger.

" MATTEO! You can't keep me in here forever i haven't had food in a long time" I turned my head to Gemma she didn't look the same her hair dry and tangled bags underneath her eyes she was way skinnier.

I walked over to her cell she got happy sitting up I unlocked it she ran to me but I grabbed her forcing her back to the wall I took the gag putting it in her mouth she was annoying her voice was chalk going against a bored that's how I felt about her.

in all honesty I think since I was a kid Gemma was the first person I really and I mean really wanted to kill I never liked her since we were just babies it was something about her that just made me want to end her life I use to sit and watch her play and all i could think about was her dying.

I chained her back down to the floor the tears escaping her eyes did nothing to me she wasn't my wife and was not my son so her tears was useless she was useless.

I left her be going further into my peace all six men was standing up the hands nailed to the wall a little bruised up I knew it was Nino he would do way more but that's for me to do.

He stood off to the side some of my guards were down here I took off my jacket handing it to Nino I rolled up my sleeves looking at everyone  how can they be so sickening.

" you know who we are huh! Aaron won't be too happy about this especially with the mafia boss we have up are sleeve " one yelled out I walked over punching him in the throat making him gasp for air.

" I didn't tell you to speak did i?   Petro doesn't put fear in my heart"  I told him while picking up the drill.

It's always one person who just likes to run there mouth knowing they have no power it's truly infuriating I walked over to the second one drilling a hole in his shoulder he screamed out in pain I could also hear Gemma's screams nothing was even happening to her.

The others were scared as they should be each one of them got their turn drilling over and over the blood getting everywhere I cut I tore skin
I broke bones.

" Stop! Please we beg of you please!" The same one who couldn't keep his mouth shut his eye was out so I had to put an eye patch on him his cheek was cut up blood slipping down.

" why should I stop when a woman begged for you to do the same saying stop and you didn't do a thing but part take in such a disgusting act when she carried my child you beat on her you didn't help you did nothing do you know how disgusting that is so no I will not stop and it won't be anymore breaks"

All the men lifted their head up slowly seeming to realize what I was talking about Siana Pérez will be my wife and Gino Rossi is my first child they are my family no one on this earth can stop me if they are hurt.

" Gemma shut up!" I yelled her screaming was starting to aggravate me she was quite after knowing that was my last time telling her.

I took off my bloody shirt blood covered my face
" Nino please bring me the sewing kit please"

Let's have some real fun.

I haven't lost control like that in a minute I could be worse way worse I looked at the mess I made heads was taking off legs chopped off eyes taken out the alarm brought me out my thoughts I rushed back upstairs blood still covering me.

I saw guards already moving to the front maids going into bunker I went to the medical wing going straight to Siana room Gino was sleeping with his noise canceling headphones and Siana was loading her gun.

She looked up causing her movements to pause
" thank you" she said so low

" I didn't do anything"

" you don't think I know what you did thank you for killing them i don't think I would've been able to so thank you" she said her voice soft i can tell something was different well trying to kill your self would change especially with what she's been through.

I went over to hug her she didn't even mind me being bloody she's been through so much she just needed a break she pulled back from me giving me a kiss her lips were like heaven nothing was better then being in her arms her touch was divine.

I kissed her back gently not wanting to be rough she moaned quietly her I pulled away even if i didn't want to hearing the alarm stop my men came in with a box looking worried.

I opened the box it was a picture of my mother from when she was kidnapped with tears rolling down her face my grip tightened on the box he was playing games first my mother then Siana what was he trying to prove.

Nino gave me a recorder i pressed play hearing my mothers sweet voice how you could tell in her voice she was scared I stopped I didn't want to hear the rest I never healed from her dying so this was just to much and he knew it was It was a letter attached to it I read it aloud.

trying to tie up lose ends you think you're in control but you're far from it when you're at your happiest I will break you. I will kill the two people who mean the most to you in the world I already took the first woman who actually held a place in your heart your mother this is just a taste for what I have for you.

I will break the woman you have come to love and have her in the Little puddle she was so for now heal but remember when you're at your happiest when you think you have it all that's when I will shrike.

I balled up the letter throwing it to the ground he has took and took what more can he want taking my son and the woman I've loved since i first saw her will end poorly for you.

" maybe h-he's right we're not doing so good we need to think rebuild we're exhausted and losing more people than we need it's rats all in this place I lost my mother I'm not really in the fighting mood and I want leave this house we need to take the little grace he's giving " Siana said hesitantly

" she's right we need a completely new plan so let's start over and for sure get the fuck out this house it's not safe anymore" Nino said

I took in his words I looked around people were tired Nurses going every were to save my men it was just to much.

"  we move out tonight everyone pack only main family will be in the new home for now" everyone went to follow out orders.

We packed and packed I had Gemma and the rest of the people that was locked in the cell all inside a van with my men in there I looked behind at the house I grew up in it just wasn't safe anymore.

I felt a hand on my shoulder I saw Siana giving me a sad smile " don't think as we are losing because staying here there will be nothing left of the Rossi's we're going to come back stronger and will be ready"


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