Chapter 21

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POV: Siana

We we're finally back home i was tried but we needed to replan the maids stares we're starting to get really irritating I couldn't go anywhere without there judging Matteo came downstairs In just sweat pants his tattoos visible for everyone he didn't have a lot but he just enough the one on his hand his arm and chest.

" Tesoro I will put him to bed and bath him go get changed and relax we talk about this later" I nodded my head as he took our child away going back upstairs I went to find Vincenzo as usual he was in the sitting room playing chess with Naomi she was obviously losing she was moving her queen to early.

" Siana take my place I'm not good at this i want to go see my grandson" Naomi got up and left not without giving me a kiss on the cheek I saw Andre walk pass he just got laid you could tell we smiled at each other as he kept walking by.

" sit and please do better than Naomi" I laughed at what he said and took the same spot Naomi was in we reset the board and played.

" I heard what happened but I have something about Gemma it's very important no one else knows about this it's up to you now before I give it to you I want to make sure you use this information to best of your ability it's something i never expected she's in La along with her father but that's not it you have her location but what I'm about to give you is the important part"

Vincenzo slid a yellow folder over I wanted to open it but Maybe i should wait I know we're she's hiding now I put the folder away knowing now wasn't the time to use it I will know when.

" good choice but I'm afraid our time is up i can hear my son coming now listen to me take this to the grave if he finds out he will kill them I know my son don't do it" I was confused what was in this folder before i could ask questions Matteo slid open the door.

" sorry father but I want to show Siana something"  he took my hand pulling me away and upstairs to a room I've never seen before it was pictures of a woman I saw before in his office Sophia looked just liked her.

" is this your mom..." I asked him

" yes my dad couldn't give her stuff up so he made this room just for us"

" i shouldn't be in here this is like a safe place for you" I said trying to pull out of his grip he didn't even have tightened his grip that's how strong he was.

" you are my safe place Siana you want to know something i never told anyone this but I took my very first life at the age of six and she was there to see it she felt like it was her fault she was depressed for so long so many judged her it was already hard enough for her she didn't fit the mafia wife description so this just made others hate her more"

" what did she do"

" she was depressed but she never stopped taking care of us she was a good mother no matter all the hate she got she never let it stop her from being a good mother my father was her safe place she was the best mother at day and Broke down at night telling him everything when I got older she told me how that day felt for her it was a lot the first time I ever cried i never dropped a tear since"

" not even when she died..." I asked hesitantly

" not even when she died i just didn't feel sad I felt angry i felt like my heart broke Petro took the first woman in my life who taught me everything who taught me how to cook he took her from me he took my mother and that made me go crazy I killed every person that was involved in taking my mother's beautiful soul she was like heaven so I took his I took his mother soul and i didn't feel bad my mother was my everything so when it was taken from me I took the one thing that would make us even and I would do it over and over so he felt the pain i felt"

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