Chapter 25

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POV Matteo

It's weird right me being nervous like me Matteo Rossi nervous all because of a very difficult woman but I would do anything for her.

" you're sure this is her address? I feel like I'm invading her privacy." I asked Nino

" why would I send you anywhere else let's go"

I got out the car gathering everything I bought ok maybe I went over board but Siana is not like the rest so no shame we arrived on her floor I took deep breath's trying to calm myself so i don't mess up.

I ringed her door bell 5 times I would've kept going if Nino didn't slap my hand away from the button.

She opened the door in nothing but a shirt that was to big I noticed it was mine how cute wearing a piece of me.

" I'm not even going to ask how you got my address knowing you two " she stepped out looking side to side making sure no one was looking before pulling me and Nino in.

I sat the things down on the counter she just looked at it all having no emotion on her face I looked at Nino hoping he would get the signal.

" ohhh  I'm going to explore nice place princess" once he went into the other rooms I started speaking

" I'm truly sorry for taking my anger out on you the way I acted was immature, instead of being a grown man and coming to talk to you I will never treat you like that again because I want you and only you. you deserve  to be treated like a queen and I want to be the man that does it for you. I want all of you and when I mean all I mean every fucked up part of your past even your flaws today I want it all and to cherish it."

"Are you sure don't put your heart in it if you're not going to stick by my side till the end i don't want to keep repeating, the same things I just want to be us no else is like you and I'm sorry to for what i said was wrong " she told me

" please who else could replace you no one till the very end and I mean every single word ride or die"

" ride or die to the very end Matteo" she said

We were chest to chest now both of us breathing heavy my eyes fell to her lips hers doing the same I moved my hand up slowly to her neck she licked her lips in anticipation.

" do i have permission to kiss you" I asked lowly

" yes" she breathed out  that was all i needed i took her lips in a gentle kiss it was like the movies were you feel fireworks it's only happened twice in my life the first time kissing Siana and now.

Our lip's moved together with essence she gave me control she tasted heavenly it made me grip her neck tighter I was obsessed with every fucked up thing about her it just made me want her more.

Siana was gripping my shirt for life we moved back hitting the stove not caring she bit my lip drawing a little blood that just made me go crazy hearing her little moan that escaped her mouth.

I moved my hands up her shirt my hands bringing down her bra she moaned even louder when i touched her nipple she has a thing for it i remember clearly.

" okay let's not make a porno while you're kid is sleeping in the room not to far away"

Me and Siana backed away looking at Nino as she fixed her bra.

" you're right you brought food let's not waste it we have business to discuss" Siana said We moved over to the living room to eat and discuss business.

" Abigail husband dropped the charges i know the cops won't stop coming after me now that they know you're not first person involved with crime that I've dated" Siana told us

" you mean your ex right he was in a gang the leader?" i questioned

" um no his bother was but me and Clara is taking care of that so no worriers"

Me and Nino looked at each other not believing her then her phone went off for the fifth time it hasn't stopped yet.

" princess aren't you going to look at it" Nino asked

She picked up her phone before putting it down
" doesn't matter anyway this is almost over I got Blake company and now he's dead and you have Gemma locked up we can end this we just need a great plan and this can all be over"

" I didn't even realize how close we were but next is Daniela we're tying up all lose ends right that means she has to go I will do it since you're attached" I told Siana while siping on my wine.

" you can't kill her Matteo she's more than what you think over the months of getting to know her she doesn't deserve to die because of Petro please"

" and what if she's not on our side Tesoro hmm you know she could tell Petro everything" I told her very clearly

" please we're tying up lose ends right give me tomorrow if she doesn't want to I will kill her myself please" she begged I could see in her eyes she would go to war for Daniela i don't know what bond she has made but she got into my Tesoro heart big time.

" sure while you're handling that I'm going to go find our little rat we can't let them continue to ruin our plans"

" so this is it huh it might take us a week to do this two at most you know how difficult people can be and I will handle Petros men they have to be gone" Nino said

We all knew what we had to do I couldn't let my child and my loved be in anymore danger I should've ended this a long time ago.


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