Part 3

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POV: Siana Rossi

I could't believe my eyes i felt like I was seeing things I probably was I'm losing a lot of blood the shirts are soaked in my blood already.

" Siana r-right help me and i will explain everything if we make it out alive" she said her raspy they weren't feeding her.

" are you um his-mother?" I asked her I didn't really have time I just wanted to make sure cause if she's not she's dying right here.

" yes Matteo and Sofia are my kids please help me you won't make it out of here alive I've been here for years i know my way but if you go you're not going to live for so long with that gun wound" she told me.

" fine let's go" I told her as I walked out the room i still had Gino on my chest Eleanor took the lead we could hear gunshot's from upstairs Eleanor pulled me behind a wall as men ran past probably looking for all three of us.

I gave Gino to Eleanor Gino was okay I'm pretty sure he knew it was his grandmother she looked at him with love and she didn't even know him.

" don't let anything happen to him" I told her seriously before I moved from behind the wall I took out my gun and going were they went.

" there she is kill her!" One yelled I Shot everyone i almost got hit I couldn't go as fast just as a knife was coming my way i felt myself being pushed out the way i looked to see Daniela killing the last one and catching the knife.

" oh gosh you're safe" she said to me as she pulled me up making me hiss.

" fuck let's go" she told me she grabbed my arm and put my arm around her as we mad our way out now it was me Gino Eleanor and Daniela i wanted to take Gino back but Danny said I was to weak right now.

I felt like we were losing it was men everywhere I couldn't kill everybody I was barely able to stand up please save my son.

" this is it I swear it leads to the woods" Eleanor told us as she took off a gate it was small and we were going to have to crawl I don't know about me I felt once i crawled I wouldn't be able to get back up.

" okay let's go G-Gino first" i said Eleanor took off the gate and Gino went first then Eleanor and Daniela she held her stomach as she crawled I was the last one to go I swear I heard noise I dropped down feeling so tired I crawled in not fast enough as I felt my leg get hit I knew I got shot I cried out in pain.

" MAMA!" Gino yelled Eleanor took out a gun and shot the man behind me Danny came over to me she took off her shirt and wrapped it around my new wound.

" come on S you can't die on me I know you're tired but we're almost there live baby live you have to" Daniela said to me she pulled me as I could barely keep my eyes open.

" I got it open" Eleanor told us she took Gino first then me and Danny went getting out it was still dark I couldn't stand I just couldn't I felt tiny hands touch my face I blinked open my eyes seeing my son.

" Mama you're not going to die we made it we made it" he said happily i smiled weakly

" y-yeah b-baby mama is going to be okay" i told him even though it was a lie I was going to die out here without ever seeing my love again i just wanted him to know I got Gino out I got our son out.

" w-wait put this in there" i said choking up blood I took out the bomb and gave it to Daniela

" come on Gino" Eleanor told him she took his hand and began walking Danny helped me us we followed them after she blew it up we got a good distance but I couldn't anymore I just couldn't.

" SIANA! GINO!" I hear someone Gino got scared and ran to me I took out my blade weakly who I saw made tears pour out it was Matteo covered in blood from head to toe and his hair was wet.

" oh god baby's" he said to me and Gino he gave his son a tight hug before moving to me he saw the condition I was in I fell into his arms I knew he had me now I saw him I can let go.

" don't close your eyes SIANA all we have to do is cross the lake and there is cars waiting on the other side" he told me he picked me up and Gino he looked at his mother words couldn't explain his reaction.

" mama?" He asked she nodded her head as she hugged him the best she could with me and Gino in his arms.

" talk later we have to save your wife I saw the ring good choice" she told him

We all moved going towards the lake Matteo was strong he held on to the both of us as he swam across I tried to keep my eyes open Gino would splash water every Time my eyes were closed for to long.

" almost there baby almost" Matteo told me

I felt us moving out the water I opened my eye's I saw cars and Josephine who looked ready to work.

" Is that mom ! Mom" Sofia yelled out running over to us I swear it all happened in slow motion as she was running her movement's stopped she stood there for a second then dropped.

S-she was d- dead the bullet was in her head it was like everyone paused Sofia Rossi was just killed right in front of us.

I felt a tear slipped out and closed my eyes completely.

" SIANA NO!" That was all I hear before the darkness overtook me.

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