Chapter 15

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POV: Siana Pérez

" you go in and get Gino I will get another car I want to drive" I nodded my head at Matteo getting out the car everything went to plan Clara was really happy that we were able to pull it off she fits right in over here with us.

Daniela ended up texting me asking me we're I was I told her I was there and my husband wanted to leave when the cake exploded she haven't texted me back since I will see her tomorrow she usually texts back by now.

I walked in my room seeing Gino put on eyeliner it was messy I picked him up from behind scaring him.

" You're back!"

" I'm back and it went well now you want my help so we can go have fun"

" yes please"

I fixed the eyeliner and his hair at least he tried I had him on my hip as we walked out the house Matteo opening the door it was a black Tesla Gino made grabby hands at Matteo it was cute we came a long way as a family.

we were in a park painting together Gino said he was making a cat but it didn't look like that so we're just going to pretend it does i don't want him to cry.

" Mama dad you like my cat she's cute right"

We both looked at it shaking our head yes " it's really good maybe you can actually have a cat" I told him smiling

" nope not happening I hate cats"

" Matteo we deal with your possessive bird so we're definitely getting a cat I love cats too"

" I promise you're not getting cat"

I bet I will I went back to painting my building it was wide and a dark cream color, I always wanted to be a business woman I wanted to have a fortune particular jewels it was something just so beautiful always a meaning behind it.

" why the building?" Matteo asked looking at me softly

" I always wanted my own company and for it to look like this but I had parents that wanted me to live their dream for them instead of letting me live my own i gave up on it years ago my parents wasn't going to let it happen but when I seen crown point it lit a fire in me crown point is beautiful and I want it to be mine"

" why crown point"

" the first Time I seen it I knew i had to have it and make it better it will be mine In due time and not with your money with mine I will become a very powerful woman with the help of no man I want to do it by myself"

Matteo was quiet I turned my head he was just staring at me I couldn't tell what he was feeling or what he was thinking " Matteo?"

" sorry i zoned out for a second but I heard everything I know you will rule you are already are you just need your soldiers ready to be there for you and you already have one"

" who?"

" me and I can guarantee you i will never let a flame touch you la mia Regina"

" the day I learn Italian the day you will be shocked"

We we're done painting as we took a walk eating pastry's Gino let go of our hands running towards the piano I ran after him " hey you're not supposed to let go anything can happen"

" I know but I want to play Piano with dad he's been teaching me"

I looked at Matteo surprised he can play.

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