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The ending is important!!!

POV: Saina Rossi

" are you sure darling?" Matteo asked looking at the pregnancy test that said positive I was shocked because well I couldn't get pregnant anymore and we had sex countless of times with no condom.

" it says positive Matteo"

Life was great Petro was dead Eleanor and Matteo killed him thankfully I was healthy i ran a company more than just two I had two kids running around here well might be three now hopefully.

Gino wasn't so small anymore my baby has got taller and everything he got worse but as his parents we were never going to treat him any differently just going to make sure he's okay.

Natalia my little devil was crazy that girl was something she was right about the foster home we got all the kids in better homes and nursed them back to health Natalia was so much like Matteo she didn't like to show her emotions only because the kids at her school bullied her saying she wasn't really a Rossi which is not true she's every bit of us.

She would get sad sometimes because people would say she doesn't look like us we thought different she looked like Matteo with the dark features though we did do a dna test she wasn't Italian that's for sure she was Mexican like me I loved her no matter what and she was mine.

I was married like actually married i had my big wedding that I always wanted we got married out of the country it was really nice don't even get me started on the honeymoon we visited six different countries I loved it I honestly think that's how I got pregnant.

" call Josephine and stop freaking out it might just be a mistake" I told him not getting my hopes up

" fine.." he said leaving out our big ass bathroom the house was really like home no maids no chefs no anything just me Matteo Gino and my little devil Natalia that's how I wanted it to be.

" she's on her way!" Matteo yelled out I really wanted to be pregnant but i know what she said but I have been gaining so much weight I've been eating the  weirdest foods plus morning sickness.

I left out the bathroom then leaving out of our bedroom and took the elevator down to the first floor I walked into the living room seeing Gino annoyed helping Natalia with her homework they went to the same school it was a private school we did public and it just resulted in our kids getting bullied but like the great big bother Gino is he beat them up.

He loved Natalia but those two argued a lot Gino always helped her with her homework even if he was tried he didn't have to I would help her or Matteo but he insisted that he got it but I'm the parent he is still a kid so I tell him we got it.

" oh my gosh you dummy!" Natalia yelled at her big brother pushing him off the couch because he got his crumbs all over her paper Gino got up ready to fight i pulled them away from each other.

" enough clean up the mess and go finish your homework me and papa will help Gino go take a shower now!" I told them sterile they both did as i said yes I disciplined them no not hitting but it was other ways.

The doorbell ringed I went to go open the door I knew it was Josephine from the camera.

" you look stress" she told me as she made her way going to our medical wing of the house

" well i have two kids who argue everyday day the next day there getting in trouble and breaking stuff me and Matteo are tried but i love kids mine especially"

" you sure you want another one then?" She asked me

" I'm sure" i told her truthfully

I took a seat as Matteo came in with our two children who looked better and not upset anymore I let Josephine do her work it was quiet we really wanted to know if I'm pregnant.

" shit S you see that" I looked at the screen and wow my baby was In there.

" you're very much pregnant but high risk so it's up to you if you want to go through with it or i could take it out right now"

" I want to keep it" I told her

" mama I'm having a sibling!" Natalia yelled happily

" hey you still have me" Gino said crossing his arms

" no duh dummy you're still my big brother but now we have another sibling to annoy and argue with" she told him

I looked at Matteo who had the same exact reaction cause what the fuck this is what we mean by these two

" well you can take that last business trip to la and that's it but no flying I want to make sure you have the best delivery" Josephine said to me

I was pregnant!


I still couldn't believe I was doing this it wasn't my first time in la and I was out here for business every other time but not this one exactly.

Remember that safe I kept things in about Gemma well she was out in la when she was gone for those months but i knew why.

I knocked on the door it opened revealing a man he looked at me wondering who I am.

" can I help you?" He asked

" no but it's best if I come in it's about Gemma" I told him

He looked at me with suspicion I walked inside the house my heels making noise I had on a black suit and my hair pulled up.

" how do you know Gemma?" He asked me as I looked at the photos of the Little boy

" because she tried to ruin my family but I'm hear to tell you personally she's dead I killed her no regrets and don't play stupid you knew Exactly what she does you are an fbi agent and also you're the father of her kid"

" I knew she was in the mafia yes she is a bad mother but who are you and why are you here look if Gemma made an enemy out of you I'm sorry but leave me and my son alone she wasn't a good mother anyway" he told me

" I'm Siana Rossi and I'm not here to hurt you but you're kid is one year older than mine I just want to make sure he doesn't find out what really happened to his mother that I smashed her head over and over till her face was unrecognizable I want you to make sure you're kid doesn't try to get his revenge once he's eighteen he's free range"

" well it won't happen I promise you what do you want me to tell him?" He asked me never taking his eyes off of me.

" tell him she died of medical causes don't ever send your son down to Italy for any long lost family because there is none there dead that's the truth if you want money I will give it to you" i told him

" I got you but i don't want your money i don't want my kid dead the second he turns eighteen so he will never find out the truth he will never go to Italy ever"

" so we have a deal your son stays away from all things related to Gemma and Italy?" I asked making sure

" we have a deal Siana Rossi"


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