Chapter 38

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POV Matteo Rossi

It's been one month since everything happened Siana was still in a coma Josephine thought I was lying when I told her that Siana squeezed my hand but I wasn't I talked to Siana every night and she would squeeze my hand or move just a bit when I said I love her or asked her a question she once moved when Gino started playing her favorite song on his piano.

My baby was fighting I had hope i don't care about any Shit Josephine thinks she's talking about i would fire her but she works for my wife not me and she was the only one I trust to operate on my wife without something or someone trying to kill her.

When my men found Petro I wasn't even happy i just couldn't kill now knowing she was not awake but don't think for a second that means he would't be dying no he was for sure just not right now. Clara was taking care of Siana business her team sent her good well cards and flowers every day her roomed was filled with it.

Daniela was close to her due date but was trying to hold out for Siana she said she wanted her to be in the room Along with Rita those are the only people she wanted in the room with her Daniela was here every day seeing her best friend she cried every time she saw Siana.

It was still weird seeing my mother though like she walks around freely and she's not dead but she's not happy her child is dead and was killed in front of us my father was there every step of the way he was hurting just as much just didn't show it as much him and Naomi got a divorced now that both of their lover's were back.

Naomi was so scared to see Siana in the condition she was in once she finally came inside she broke down one thing Siana did was make an impact on a lot of people it was no doubt.

I sat everyday in front of this bed looking at her I only went to the house for food and to shower also for Gino he went everywhere with me I was doing good though with him I was a little scared because it was my first time taking care of him for so long but I got it.

Just come back to me Siana

Two months passed

Three months passed

Four months passed......

She was going to wake up I still have hope even if four months has passed she stopped moving at the three month mark I felt like it was Josephine fault she was fucking negative I know you're trying not to think of her dying but you're not showing it.

I set in the same chair I have been sitting in for months Gino was with his grandma getting to know her while horse riding he was getting better he had one bad accident and that's when Siana stopped moving I calmed him down though.

I was the only one in the room I was here every day I kept all of her flowers alive I got her more teddy bears and everything I re braided her hair this has become my daily routine as long as I was with her and taking care of my son but i needed her to wake up I just did.

I set there just looking at her she started to move making me pay attention to every little detail she squeezed my hand so tight it hurt than her eyelids started blinking really fast please baby.

She hissed as her eyes opened the tears fell just like that she stopped moving just looking up at the ceiling her eyes were back those beautiful eyes were open she was awake she tried to open her mouth before closing it then she finally talked.

" M-Matteo?" She asked making me smile

" right here baby I'm right here" i said making her turn her head she started crying as she saw me making me cry to I leaned my head down against hers.

" y-you're h-here"

" I'm here baby I've never left" I told her

" I heard everything you said to me" she said quietly I knew she did I knew it she moved so much she had to hear when I was talking.

" I know you did" I observed as she looked around the room

" w-where is Gino h- he's not dead right?" She asked me

" no not at all you saved him I'm going to be right back I'm going to let everyone know you're awake I'm coming back I promise" I told her before leaving out the room and going to let people know.


Everyone was happy to hear she woke up especially Gino he cried just like me seeing his mother up Josephine ran some test to make sure she didn't have memory  issues. But she was holding back information.

" it's best it's only Matteo in the room for this" Josephine said looking at everyone else I gave Gino a kiss as he left out with everyone else Siana was still holding my hands.

" w-what are you not telling me?" Siana asked

" well... due to where the bullet hit it um hit major vessels due to where you carry kids what I'm trying to say is You won't be able to have any more kids we can try to find away if you're looking to get pregnant but right now it's not happening I'm sorry Siana" Josephine told us

Siana broke down hearing that I hugged her tightly as she cried in my arms just because she wasn't ready for another child didn't mean she didn't want another one and now she can't get pregnant I knew Siana love being a mother.

" I- I can't give you what you deserve" Siana cried out  I wiped her tears away

" look at me it doesn't matter okay stop thinking about the Mafia and what those workers say we are going to be fine we can always go the adoption or even surrogate way" I told her

I know one thing once this is all over i don't want another maid all they do is talk shit about how Siana isn't enough or because she doesn't come from a mafia bloodline but if they were who I fancy they would't be saying anything but because it's not them they only talk.

" I still can't have a child of my own I want to not only give you that but myself i love being a mother I-I love being able to take care of my child"

" I know baby i know in due to time we will move forward" i told her as she hugged on to me letting the tears out she was hurt and it wasn't going to be an easy fix I knew that but I would be there every step of the way.

POV Eleanor Rossi

It was something watching my son i never thought he would find someone that truly gets him the first time seeing her I knew she was strong i still couldn't believe I was a grandma I got to know Gino he was sweet but he had issues just like Matteo he looked just like Siana the woman was wow beautiful i don't think I ever saw someone that amazing.

Vincenzo  told me all about her how he thought she was like me in a way but still different he showed me pictures of her and Matteo my son had a real smile when he was with her I was happy for him I knew he had her and would treat her with the most respect he better.

But the moment was bittersweet because i still lost a child i never got to hold her again it was heartbreaking I cried everyday a parent should never have to outlive their child I killed for mine I always would my kids were my everything.

Vin tried his hardest to hold it in but he broke down to we lost a child it was painful Sofia was my baby my only girl  she would never be forgotten ever.

Rest easy my sweet girl.


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