Part 1

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POV Siana Rossi

I woke up feeling my body being picked up I kept my eyes closed i don't know how long I was in that car I just wanted my son i could feel us going downstairs I heard voices around me I know what i had to do.

" tell Petro we have the queen" Tony said fucking traitor.

" of course" some women said I felt my self being thrown on the ground I knew he was putting chains on my hands once I heard that door shut and lock I opened my eyes looking around the room it was dirty it was blood stains everywhere I looked down at my hands were chained to the ground I looked to right to see a little body not moving.

" Gino?" I called out his head lifted up my baby was alive I tried to move over but my hands were chained and so we're his.

" mama is that you?" He asked softly

" yeah mama is here I'm going to get you out okay mommy promise" and I was not breaking it best believe I will do everything to make sure he makes it out before me.

" I'm— scared I smelt fire and then my head getting hit they hurt me mama—- it just hurts" he told me the dried up tears on his face I just wanted to get to him I looked at his head and it was a big bloody spot.

" I'm going to use my mommy powers remember I'm going to make them hurt" he tried to move towards me I shook my head no he lost to much blood already.

" stop moving listen to me Gino you need to do everything I say it can be between life and death you listen to me now mommy is going to have to protect you you're going to have to see something's I know but don't make a sound you hear me?" I asked him seriously

" o-okay" he said stuttering a bit he kept quiet he's eyes never leaving me he was scared not just for him but for me my son wasn't stupid not one bit so he knew if it came down to me or him I will save him first.

I observed my surroundings it was a tiny window but it had bars on it I tried to see if i could get a peak but I couldn't I heard the lock twisting Gino looked at me scared.

" be quiet" i whispered to him the door opened and it was..... Daniela? Her Belly was big now she came in with a guard and two trays.

" I will unlock them so they can eat just Wait outside please" she told him he took one more glance at us before stepping out Daniela unlocked me first I took a look at the door that was wide open.

" don't try it" she said quietly she unlocked Gino he immediately came to me I hugged him so tight my baby my Gino.

" listen to me survive Matteo and Nino are on their way but we are really um far out so be ready" Daniela told me just for me to hear I nodded my head as she walked away the guard came in to watch us eat I wasn't eating that and neither was Gino.

" we're not eating that" I told the guard I kicked the tray over he looked at me as if I disrespected him he marched over to me grabbing my chin idiot I took the hidden blade out my pants and stabbed him in the eye his screams filled the room I pulled it out just to pulge it back in I heard footsteps I put the blade back I grabbed on to Gino Tightly as Tony took one look at the man.

" you Bitch!" He yelled out he grabbed me but another guard took Gino.

" NO GIVE ME MY SON!" I yelled I was going crazy I tried to pull away as I heard Gino crying I felt a needle prick my skin slowing down my movements i moved around tiredly the last thing I heard was my baby calling out for me.

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